haha i was just about to go check when i'm supposed to get my period! haha. anyway, i was talking about (on the phone last night) about the peircing place on st marks where you used to go always, the guy remembered me it was weird. haha. omg and guess who i saw on the train back home? sam. sam idontrememberhislastname who went with us the phish movie thing. anyway, he was lik eomg i know you from somewhere, sunypoooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrchosieies and iw as like nah chill but i remember you from somewhere tooooo and i was like whats yr name and he was like sam, and i was like omg you know lana right and i got omg phish remember?? and he was like yeah with chucky! and i was like word and stuff. haha i love you im talking to you on aim now so ummm bye? haha
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