No Godmoding, No Metagaming
Simple and straight forward. Don't do either of these.
If you don't know godmoding is determining another character's actions/reactions. It's saying your character punched the other character and hit him/her/it in the jaw. The other character must be allowed time to react.
Metagaming is using OOC knowledge IC. Just because you as the player know something about a character because you know the canon/read the character's bio/read private entries the character has written doesn't mean your character can act on that information.
Keep OOC And IC Separate
If you have a problem with a player, it shouldn't be reflected in character. Likewise, if your character has a problem with another character in game, it should not influence your interaction with the player. That said, if you do have a problem with a player, please approach it as a mature individual and talk to them first before running to the mods.
Grammar and Spelling
Please attempt to respect the English language. We realize no one is perfect, but proper spelling and grammar are vital for the readability of your posts.
Stay In Character
Character development can (and should!) happen, but people do not usually switch personalities overnight. Try to stay true to canon and/or the personality in your app as much as possible. If you have issues with another player's portrayal of their character, talk to them, and then talk to the mods if you must.
In Character Actions Lead To In Character Consequences
Just because New York was stolen underground does not mean laws have gone away. Murder, property destruction and the like are still illegal, and the police force is backed (and to some degree empowered) by the authority of the Masters. This doesn't mean your character can't attempt such things, but all major plots must be run by the mods first.
Activity, Hiatus and Age Requirement
A certain minimum of activity is required, this is a game after all. Activity check will be done once a month. For the purposes of the check, activity is defined as two of the following:
* One post to the network
* Participation in one log or action post
* At least 10 comments in a max of three other people's network posts.
Remember, this is a minimum requirement; everything's more fun the more characters are interacting.
If you fail the check one month, you MUST make up that activity in the next month, in addition to the usual requirements. Thus, if last month you only had one network post, and nothing else, this month you need either a log/action post or commenting PLUS the usual requirements. Otherwise you will be cut.
Hiatuses must be posted to the hiatus post to be taken into account for Activity Check. It's nice if you post to the OOC community as well, but not necessary.
Age Requirement
16 and up. Stolen New York deals with some darker themes, including violence, sex, the ownership of souls and what one is willing to do for so forth. This is an OOC requirement, but characters under sixteen will be looked at carefully for suitability.
R and NC-17 rated posts and logs are allowed, but must be friends locked. Players under 18 may not participate in NC-17 posts.