Frequently Asked Questions
Premise Game Mechanics General Setting Information Applications Premise
So what's this game about?
Stolen New York is a combination of psychological horror and slice of life - characters have been pulled into a city stolen underground, and recently ravaged by riots and other violence. The Masters, entities of unknown origin who seem to have definite plans for the city, rule with a firm grip on what's left of the population. They are sometime aided, sometimes opposed by the Brass Embassy, a collection of demons and devils that represent Hell's interests in the city. Both parties would love to recruit any and all residents to their side, but it is possible to stay neutral if one walks carefully. Though both do have a lot to offer willing allies…
Wait… Stolen cities, Masters, Brass Embassy… This sounds familiar
Well yes. Stolen New York is inspired by the browser-based game
Echo Bazaar.
So do I need to play that game to join Stolen New York?
Not at all! While Stolen New York is certainly inspired by Echo Bazaar, no knowledge of that game is necessary.
Does this game have a plot?
Yes and no. Both the Masters and the Brass Embassy have plans for the city, but they are long term plans, set to play out over years, not weeks. Player actions and player-driven plots very much have the potential to affect the destiny of the city.
Game Mechanics
What sort of posts go where?
PIC communications and IC action posts go to
stolennewyorkIC prose logs go to
stolenlogsOOC intros, drop announcements, plotting posts, mod announcements and so on go to
stolenoocMemes, game-related spam, and other crazy fun stuff goes to
crackednewyork Can characters leave?
Yes and no. A character can go to Grand Central Station (Masters controlled) or Penn Station (Brass Embassy controlled) and try to buy a ticket home. In theory, this is a relatively simple, straightforward process. In reality, it's a bit harder. Neither the Masters nor the Brass Embassy is really eager to let people leave permanently. But they do sell limited tickets, which allow a person to leave the city for a preset length of time. These tickets are backed by the powers of the Masters or Hell, and if someone doesn't return by when the ticket says, they'll still find themselves returning to the city the next time they close their eyes.
Also, tickets are expensive, even short-term ones. To return for even just a day or so costs the equivalent of a month's salary for most. The Brass Embassy's tickets tend to be a touch cheaper, but the price tends to be in… distasteful currency. And prices go up, exponentially the more times one tries to return home. And if you've died in the city… well, the Brass Embassy's probably the best bet. They'll only ask for your soul.
Trips home must be approved through the 'request' post
HERE Can I take a hiatus?
Sure! Please comment
HERE with your request
Can I canon update my character?
Yes! The easiest in-game way to justify this is via a train ride home, assuming your character hasn't sold their soul or died. Simply drop a comment
HERE. Characters must be out of game for at least a day OOC time to canon update.
If a character has died or sold their soul and you still wish to canon update them, contact a mod, and we will work something out.
What happens when a character is dropped?
No one really knows. They disappear from the city without a trace. Rumor says they return home to the same point they left from, but both the Masters and the Brass Embassy refuse to speak on the subject. Especially since it can still happen if a character has died or sold their soul.
General Setting Information
So what happens when a character arrives?
They are met at the station by a representative of the Masters who explains where they are. The representative will be very evasive regarding the nature of the Masters or why your character was brought her other that 'to brighten the city'. They will be offered a room at the hotel next to Grand Central (formerly the Grand Hyatt), free of charge for two weeks until they can find a job and an apartment. At this point they will be offered their choice of PIC (Personal Interactive Communicator)
Wait; there is a choice of PIC?
Yes. There are two models offered, both with essentially the same functionality you'd expect - video, audio, text, the ability to lock and filter entries and the like. One is made by the Masters of the City, and very streamlined and classic in style - think a slightly larger iPhone with a dark metal casing. The other is provided by the Brass Embassy, and is slightly bulkier, with a brass casing that is constantly slightly warm to the touch.
The representative will explain that the Masters' PIC is very reliable and will not turn on by itself or have its filters fail. However, it can not be filtered against the Masters themselves and those entities do monitor communications constantly.
The Brass Embassy PIC is not monitored at all, and can be filtered against the Masters. But it has a bad habit of turning on on its own, especially when you would least like it to.
Both PICs will automatically read text entries aloud to characters who can not read - usually in the voice of whoever is sending the message. Advertisements from the Masters and the Brass Embassy work slightly differently. They appear as text, but there is a button characters can press to have it read aloud to them. In that case, the PIC uses the character's voice.
This will all be explained to characters when they arrive.
What happens when my character moves out of the Hotel?
There are a multitude of apartment buildings around the city, some owned by the Masters, some owned by other citizens of the city. Or there are abandoned buildings if your character doesn't want to owe anyone else. Running water is provided free of charge, though it often tastes… odd if you drink it straight. But it is safe, usually.
Electricity is a different matter. Both the Masters and the Brass Embassy offer connection to their grids for very reasonable price. It's a personal decision who a character wishes to give their money to.
How can my character earn money?
The easiest way is to set up a account with the Masters and/or the Brass Embassy. For information about dealing with either or both, see the
Accounts and Advertising post.
Or your character can find a 'normal' job. The population of New York may have been greatly reduced, but there are still stores needing clerks, offices needing paper pushers, restaurants needing cooks and servers as well as talent agents seeking performers, clinics in desperate need of doctors, you name it. And they're almost _always_ hiring.
So what exactly do the Masters want with the city?
In the short term, they wish to promote culture and growth in the city, to help it recover from the turmoil of the past few years. This is true, as far as it goes, but what they don't mention is that doing so will help revitalize the city's soul so they may devour it. They realize this is going to take many years however, and are willing to be patient. In the mean time, they promote law and order, and attempt to keep the population from asking too many questions.
What does the Brass Embassy want?
The same thing Hell has always wanted - people's souls. When evil people die, they get those souls automatically of course, but it is also possible to trade one's soul away willingly, and it's those souls that interest Hell the most. Normally though, devils and demons can only bargain with people who've summoned them. However, Stolen New York borders Hell, and thus, it is far easier to approach and tempt people. Saying "I'd sell my soul for…" even in jest anywhere in Stolen New York, is likely to invite a visit from a Brass Embassy representative who will happily explain how Hell can provide what you were wishing for, and how it really would be a wonderful deal.
The Brass Embassy also doesn't want the Masters to devour the city's soul, as that tends to have an adverse effect on the population.
So a character can sell their soul?
Indeed. Hell is always in the market for souls. Someone interested in selling their soul need only contact the Brass Embassy, either in person or via the device, and a demon or devil will be sent to work out a deal for the person's soul. Hell can offer many things, but always concrete things. For instance, a person can sell their soul for a million dollars, and Hell will provide one million dollars. But if the person spends through that money, Hell will not provide more. They can't provide ephemeral things, like 'power', or 'love',
All such requests should be posted
HERE What happens if one sells ones soul?
After the soul is taken, a person feels an extreme lethargy for the next few days, but otherwise it is easy to think nothing has happened. However, they will soon discover (or have it pointed out to them) that their emotional reactions to things are muted. Not completely absent, and a person can function just fine in normal society, especially after a bit of adjustment.
However, once they sell their soul, the Masters will have nothing to do with a person. A soulless person doesn't contribute to the growth of the city's soul after all, so they will not ally with one of the soulless.
Also, once a character sells their soul, they can no longer buy a ticket home at either of the train stations.
Is it possible to ally with the Brass Embassy without selling one's soul?
Yes. The Brass Embassy is hardly going to turn down anyone who wants to help further their goals, but in general, an ally who's not sold their soul will have to deal with near-constant sales pitches from exceedingly polite demons extolling the virtues of selling one's soul.
Can one ally with the Masters?
Oh indeed. The Masters are quite interested in getting people who will help revitalize the city's soul, on a more personal one-on-one level than the Masters have patience for. And they are willing to reward loyalty.
So what can the Masters offer?
The Masters tend to like to promise intangibles, in contrast to the Brass Embassy. Bargain for wealth, and they will set a person up with a bank account that may never hold a million dollars at any one time, but it will never run out. They can grant power, usually setting a person up as head of some organization or another. Things of that nature. They can also offer more specific things if a character requests.
To ally with the Masters, a character should contact them via the PIC, and put in an OOC request
What happens when a character dies?
They get better! No, really. A (supposedly) unintentional side effect of the rift in dimensions is that death is no longer permanent for people brought to the city. Characters who die will return to life within a few days, usually at one of the city hospitals or clinics. There are no real side effects to death, except it costs a lot, lot more to get a ticket out of the city now.
For OOC purposes, all IC deaths must be approved. Post a death request
HERE What sort of IC laws does Stolen New York have
All the basic ones you'd expect - no killing, no theft, no violation of people or property. Also, dissent of any kind against the Masters is considered one of the highest crimes and punished as such.
What happens if a character breaks the law?
The Masters maintain a police force that works just as any other police force. They investigate crimes and take action against the perpetrators. Action can range from levying fines, to imprisonment, to stripping powers, to exile, to permanent death. The Masters can and will bestow some of their power onto the police if necessary to restrain an empowered criminal
There is no judicial system however. The police have the full power to render judgment and punishment, subject only to the Masters' will. This system is surprisingly less corrupt than might be imagined - the Masters value peace, security, and a contented populace. A corrupt police force upsets people. Makes them want to rebel. So they are quick to check the power of any police force member who oversteps their bounds.
Is it possible to get away with breaking the law?
Yes, mostly. The Masters will always notice massive property damage, but otherwise, investigation of crimes depends on them being reported. However, all reports are investigated.
All major crimes, those involving other people, major property damage, and/or public dissent against the Masters, must be mod approved even if they end up going unpunished. Put in a request
HERE Can my character join the police force?
Sure, if they're willing to ally with the Masters. Mention it when you fill out the form
What sort of characters can I app?
Character can come from any fictional source, including original characters. Fictional versions of historical or major mythological figures will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Non-humanoid characters such as A.I. talking animals, etc are allowed, assuming they have a physical body that is more or less human sized.
No real people will be accepted
May I app an Original Character?
Sure! We love OCs here, but realize they will be under greater-than-average scrutiny to avoid the dreaded Mary Sue/Gary Stu problem.
Fandom OCs - aka characters from an established canon that have little or no established background or personality are treated as OCs.
What about AUs?
Fandom AUs are allowed, as long as the player makes clear in the application that this is an AU version, and explains the differences between the AU and established canon.
Will my character keep their powers?
With certain restrictions. The following powers are stripped completely:
• Any power that allows either instantaneous travel and/or the ability to pass through walls
• Summoning of creatures or entities of any sort (summoning items is restricted, see below)
• Any 'instant kill' power.
Additionally, the following powers are restricted/weakened:
• No power can affect the Masters or the upper echelons of the Brass Embassy hierarchy, either physically, mentally, socially or spiritually. Likewise, no power can detect their exact location.
• Powers that explicitly draw their source from another realm (Hell, Heaven, the Astral Plane, etc) will be severely weakened, as Stolen New York's connection to such places has been altered. Exact nature of how the power(s) have been weakened is up to the player.
• No item larger than a small car may be summoned.
Can I play a character who's dead in canon?
Sure. The journey from life to death totally counts to have them show up on the train.
Can my character keep memories from a previous RP?
Can my character bring anything from home
Yes, and there is a section on the app for this. It must be within reason however - no more than the character could carry.