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Comments 12

I can't!!! alchemy500 October 11 2012, 03:47:22 UTC
I am still rewatching the Dean/Cas moments. I just have no words and can't form proper thoughts. Beautiful, beautiful episode. In my head, tonight is the night Destiel became canon. <3

Ughhh I can't even run around and scream my heart out since it's already late over here.

Look at me, I'm rambling...


Re: I can't!!! stolen_childe October 11 2012, 03:52:05 UTC
Oh my gosh, I know right? Seriously, when I watched the hug I did a dance in my seat with flailing hands, fist pumps and everything because people in my house are sleeping and I couldn't exclaim my feelings properly.

Then, then, I went down to my room and danced like a mad woman while still having to remain woefully silent and squealing internally.

Destiel so totally became canon.

Rambling too! Ramble friendly blog! Ramble away! ^-^


Re: I can't!!! alchemy500 October 11 2012, 03:57:05 UTC
The last few seconds of the episode just killed me. I still can't breathe. It's like there's a knot in my chest that won't go away.

I need to go read some Destiel fics. Maybe that will help. Althouh venting like this helps...slightly.

Next week needs to come faster. Omg is there even any Cas in the next episode? If not I will cry. Seriously.


Re: I can't!!! stolen_childe October 11 2012, 13:24:42 UTC
Those last seconds! Where they ended it! My goodness they love abrupt endings this year. I was too wired to read Destiel fics, but I'm going to inhale them today!

I really don't know if Cas is in the next episode, I hope so, but he might not be. *bites nails*


pann_cake October 11 2012, 03:49:50 UTC
I LOVE SCRUFFY SAMMY TOO! His hair is perfect! :DDD

OMG I didn't notice that Dean touched Cas's scruff until I saw that gif, WHAAAAT. *hearts in eyes* Their stupid perfect faces through that whole reunion, aghhhh! ;___; The hug was beautiful (I wanted Cas to hug him back though, but I guess he's back to being sane now, so hmph), and and and, I CAN'T HANDLE EVERYTHING THAT I'M FEELING.

I'm so nervous about the rest of the flashbacks to come. Dean's scenes with Samandriel just killed me, seeing how plagued with guilt Dean is. I WANT TO KNOW, BUT I DON'T WANT TO KNOW.

... )


stolen_childe October 11 2012, 03:58:10 UTC
Yay! We should start a Scruffy!Sammy fanclub because I think we're the minority.

I didn't notice the cheek touch either, until I waded through Tumblr. I remembered the "nice peach fuzz" line but I think I was too busy having feelings over the hug to notice the touch.

I think Cas really, really wanted to hug Dean back (he clenches his fist when Dean does it) but Cas is terrified that the Levi's will get Dean as well and refrained even though everything was telling him to do it.

God, this episode was just gorgeously, gorgeously, gorgeous.

Me too with the Dean and Samandriel scene. So, so many feelings. I just can't.

... )


So Perfect! yessikg October 11 2012, 04:42:38 UTC
Sam and his absolute hotness (I LOVE his hair and the scruff DAMN!)



Re: So Perfect! stolen_childe October 11 2012, 13:14:12 UTC
Yay! Sam!Scruff!

Indeed, Destiel is beautiful and life is beautiful!


antrazi October 11 2012, 06:44:21 UTC
You no, with Cas and his whole scruff I just wonder what Dean did in purgatory. Sure, he can probably shave ith some big, badass knife but if Benny wasn't a barber in his former life, why doesn't he rival Sam in the hair department?
Also - not a Samgirl but like him with the scruff.
Liked the episode, just a bit surprised that there wasn't a Sam flashback


stolen_childe October 11 2012, 13:17:43 UTC
lol... I know, I guess he shaved with one of his knives which is completely terrifying... lol

As for Benny, because it's his soul, I don't think he's stagnant. Dean and Cas are there physically so they still change and their hair still grows... Not sure what Dean did for food though...

Yeah, I'm not a Sam-girl either, I think he's adorable but I'm a Cas-girl at heart. I just really appreciate the scruff... lol

I guess because they couldn't find a way to link his memories with the events? Not really sure, there wasn't really a lot of flashbacks really. Just the two and a bit. Maybe they realized having to many made the show too jumpy?


snowin_you October 11 2012, 07:56:14 UTC
The moment when everything you've ever read in fanfiction becomes so fucking real!!! Oh God, did I cry...

I love Alfie!! He's so cute, and I wish he would stay long in the series. (That 'we heart Castiel' club sounded nice, btw) And Sam looks so hot with the Mjoelnir! And now I'm secretly ship Sam and Crowley since he just won't stop with the 'moose' tease.

Okay, what else? Is it just me or this ep is really fluffy? :D I wish Cas would have more than two minutes of air time, but then judging from how two short minutes barely kept our sanity straight, it might not be a good idea...

Oh, one more thing, the ending. Why everyone is saying Cas let Dean go, when it seems to me like it was the other way around?


stolen_childe October 11 2012, 13:22:30 UTC
I know right? That was straight out of a fanfic... I wouldn't be surprised if there had actually been a Purgatory fanfic written almost exactly like that...

I didn't cry but I squealed and had an utterly joyful fit. It was probably really funny how I moved in my seat in that moment.

Alfie is really cute, he reminds me of a cross between Adam and Connor from AtS but without all the brooding angst... lol

Oh Sarowley... That would certainly be interesting and violent I think... But yes, Crowley was flirting his ass of with Sammy.

The episode did seem fluffy, which I enjoyed, I mean fluffy for Supernatural standards anway. I'm sure for normal television this would be angst beyond handling.

I'm gonna have to re-watch, but that does worry me. Could be, could be why Dean's so guilty. I think most people are saying it because Dean's "He just let go" line in 8.01. So, so excited for next episode, but I don't know if Misha's in it...

*waits anxiously*


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