Second Song [Video]

Dec 02, 2011 17:10

[So it's the afternoon, and Marceline's asleep in her bed. But the feed flicks on anyway. There's a view of three eggs, wrapped in a blanket, only these eggs have hatched. Broken shell pieces scattered all over, but the inhabitants are no where to be seen ( Read more... )

c: luke triton, c: conner kent, c: dave strider, !ic, horror movies, c: larry butz, c: misaki, c: john egbert, egg hatching, c: applejack, c: ventus, !goldenrod, c: fefferi peixis, pokemon terrors

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text; striderismo December 3 2011, 01:25:48 UTC
smile youre on candid camera
seriously though these fucking things need password protection
sick of these nosy motherfuckers getting all up in here like daddys hiding a porn stash from them or something
gotta get their daily dose of asian girls and double ds
wonder if you could rig up a password system somehow actually


text; stolemyfries December 3 2011, 01:49:14 UTC
oh man, more bright text
i like this text it's a nice delicious red
i'm also pretty sure i didn't understand anything you just said other than getting the gear password protected
which doesn't sound like a bad idea


text; striderismo December 3 2011, 01:56:27 UTC
oh god
delicious red???
please tell me youre not licking your gear right now i really cant take any more of that brand of bugfuck crazy


text; stolemyfries December 3 2011, 03:47:21 UTC
not quite going that far though it's tempting
probably wouldn't taste like much here anyway


text; striderismo December 3 2011, 03:57:29 UTC
oh god you have some kind of fucking red-tasting powers wherever youre from dont you
this is some fantastic dramatic irony for those reading along at home


Re: text; stolemyfries December 3 2011, 04:06:47 UTC
whoa, hey calm down
i didn't mean anything by it
but yes, i guess you could put it that way. i had some red-tasting powers where i'm from


text; striderescence December 3 2011, 04:10:28 UTC
i am super fucking calm you dont even know
i am the eerie fucking calm before the massive blood-and-thunder storm of why the fuck has this happened to me twice now and what am i a freak magnet
what the kickflipping crucifixion do you even accomplish with red-tasting powers
what the fuck good are they???


text; stolemyfries December 3 2011, 05:19:04 UTC
oh twice?
so have you met vampires before then?


text; striderescence December 3 2011, 05:30:22 UTC
of course dude
why wouldnt i meet a vampire

you do realize that bloodsucking doesnt count as red-tasting powers right
i mean
those are not two things that are the same


text; stolemyfries December 3 2011, 06:51:58 UTC
well blood, most blood anyway, is red
so yeah, i think they pretty much coincide


text; striderismo December 4 2011, 00:51:12 UTC
anyone can suck blood from an open wound
as completely fucking weird as that is
i could slide across the room right now jab my buddy john in the neck and go to fucking town on that shit
still wouldnt be able to taste the color red


text; stolemyfries December 4 2011, 02:18:00 UTC
well ya
but you'd just be human of course you wouldn't taste it


text; striderismo December 4 2011, 02:20:06 UTC
so vampires in your world can taste red
i guess as long as theyre not fucking sparkling its cool


text; stolemyfries December 4 2011, 02:41:11 UTC
yea we can taste red
we actually eat shades of red in my world
we don't sparkle though, i can guarantee that


text; striderismo December 4 2011, 02:44:30 UTC
you actually eat red
like the color
not like shit thats red


text; stolemyfries December 4 2011, 03:03:39 UTC
yep exactly like the color
i mean, obviously it has to be red for me to eat the color
but yeah like the color


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