- Icons must be made originally for this challenge, no prior work may be submitted.
- All work must be your own, not someone elses.
- Please make sure all icon images are viewable for all.
- Icons must fit the livejournal standard. under 40kb, 100x100px and in either .png, .gif or .jpg file format.
- When posting the finished 20 please leave 3 icon examples, not just a banner and a link to the icon post or lj-cut.
- Post the completed icons at once.
- The icon post must be unlocked for two reasons. 1. I need to see the entries for voting and 2. So people don't have to join to view your icons.
- Don't submit your icons to this post.
- ALL entries are moderated which means that I have to accept the entry before it's made visible to the public.
- Please use the provided table to post your icons for convenience. (of course, you can change the colours of the table)
- Please ONLY add the following tags for this round.
round: 32, entries: round 32, user: 'you', theme: 'your stock theme'
- Completed 20 are due November, 4th in your timezone.
Everyone listed
HERE should have posting access, if not, please comment to this post.
Themes: Big Emotions*, Bright, Circle Multiplication*, Elements*, Etheral*, Levels*, Odd Crop*, Party, Song Text*, Sparkling
Category: ONE COLOR - You're going to
THIIIIIIS site and you're randomizing the colors for your icons ;) You can randomize TEN [10] TIMES, NO MORE! Of course, you're making icons with 5 rather different colors.
You're choosing third verse RANDOM, choose RANDOMIZATION SETTINGS and turn off COLOR SCHEME MODEL. And then you can randomize the colors :) It would be fine if you could write the RGB code you got :)
Artist's Chioce: It's your choice! :D
* Big Emotions - Crying, strong laughing, this emotion must be very visible.
* Circle Multiplication - You need to multiply your icons, make it circle and resize it, examples below:
sofia_gray //
blue_emotion //
pointblankdarcy * Elements - Your icon must include WATER or AIR or EARTH or FIRE.
* Etheral - I want to see little romantic, nostalgic look, some blurry spaces, but not all, also coloring can't be 'sharp', vibrant so much.
rua1412 //
querita //
madeofstone * Levels - Your icon need to have levels - horizontal or vertical (your choice).
sofia_gray //
vintage_zombie //
lady_kingsley * Odd Crop - Your crop shouldn't be centering at your topic, it can be in a angle or nearly visible BUT IT HAS TO BE VISIBLE SOMEHOW.
1. Theme - clothes
querita 2. Theme - sweets
querita 3. Theme - people
visionsbeyond * Song Title - Your icon must cntain at least 3 words of the song. Please also write the title and the authour of the song you used.
Big Emotion |
Bright |
Circle Multiplication |
Elements |
Etheral |
Levels |
Odd Crop |
Party |
Song Text |
Sparkling |
If you have any question, just ask.
Happy iconning! :D
If you still want to sign up, you can do it HERE ;D