RP: What a Difference a Year Makes

Nov 05, 2007 12:18

Date: 5 November 2005
Characters: Kingsley Shacklebolt
Location: His neglected house on Albus Ave
Status: Private
Summary: Kingsley's ruminates over life changes on his one year anniversary in Stoatshead Hill.
Completion: Complete

Kingsley had told Susan that he needed to spend some time on his neglected house that day. He'd been letting it go far too long. Between the search for Ernie Macmillan and working on getting Susan's farm house repaired, Kingsley hadn't been taking very good care of his own home.

What he needed to do was make a decision.

Did he keep this house he claimed when he first arrived in Stoatshead Hill a year ago today, or did he abandon the claim and move himself completely into Susan's farm house?

Of course, Kingsley knew that wasn't precisely the right question.

The question was whether or not he was ready or willing to move himself completely into Susan's life. And that question was ever more complex because her life was going to include a baby just as soon as she could manage to convince someone to give up their sperm. Maybe him, maybe Severus, maybe even Remus, or if not one of them, then some random muggle sperm that she tricked a man out of or purchased openly. He knew she was going to do this, she'd made it clear and Kingsley was out of arguments to stop her.

The only question now, was at what level did he want to be involved.

He always thought that this part would be the easiest. He wasn't the kind of man who had kids. It wasn't that Aurors didn't have families, many of them did. And many of those families ended mourning a loss in the line of duty, too. Or else the Auror's spouse left the marriage because they wanted someone with all their body parts intact, who didn't spend half the time preaching vigilance. Kingsley had always figured if he did find a woman to accept him, it would most likely be one with little interest in children. Of course, accepting him somewhat implied a permanent arrangement like marriage. And marriage wasn't something Susan seemed to have anymore interest in than Rita had and he knew initimately how easy it had been for her to throw him away when she tired of playing with him.

Kingsley really didn't know if Susan would be much different.

He knew Susan wanted family, but once she had her baby, she'd have one. He didn't think she'd kick him out of her farm house if she tired of him, but she might. Or she might ask him to move to one of the other bedrooms, but keep him around, like Severus, a platonic member of the family, so that he could be around his child. Assuming of course that it would be his child. He supposed he should be grateful that with his coloring, if she had a baby that was his, there would be some visual indication of it.

And he really needed to stop thinking about babies.

He had other things he needed to think about. Things like what the fuck he was going to do with his life. He'd been in town an entire year and wasn't that much more settled than he'd been a year ago. Normally, Kingsley had a thing for chaos. He didn't mind the having three or four or even five different jobs. But felt that the time had come for him to settle on a primary one. Was he a farmer who helped the Aurors on occasion when they needed him? Was he an Auror who lived on a farm? Was he an instructor at the Community Centre who played handyman for the elderly when they needed help? Was he a handyman who helped the Aurors, worked a farm, and taught a class or two?

Kingsley reached for his wand to cast a Lumos. Maybe that would help him find his way. He didn't really think so. Didn't think toying with his lucky Ravenclaw keyring would help with this one either. Thinking about it might even be futile. But Kingsley was nothing if not a Ravenclaw, and he wouldn't have been a Ravenclaw if he didn't think things. Even if the only thing that he could think right now was that things were going to change.

Things were always changing.

november 2005, place: private residence, kingsley shacklebolt

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