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shh_alicia September 8 2007, 19:11:34 UTC
The week had been hard. Alicia hadn’t allowed herself time to be sad about Charlie not returning, but had instead buried herself in work and training. Whenever she was home, she had spent all her time playing with Bert, and had managed to teach him to hide his face behind a paw whenever she said “Oliver”. Why, she wasn’t entirely sure, but she was certain it would be a great way to annoy Oliver at some point ( ... )


shh_alicia September 10 2007, 18:51:37 UTC
“You surprise me, Dean Thomas,” Alicia grinned, “see… I had the distinct impression that you’d thrown this bash tonight because you made your money running this place.” She looked around the Atrium, at the dance studio and the fitness center, finally looking at the juice bar. This really was a place she would love to live.

“When am I moving in?” she mused aloud, still looking around appraisingly. “If it was up to Wood, I would have moved in yesterday, but I’ll move in when it’s possible, and I have my things packed up, if that suits you.” She stopped and looked up at him. “Where will I be living?”


shh_dean September 10 2007, 23:06:16 UTC
"You wouldn't believe it but I actually make my money as an architect in the Muggle world." Dean answered and looked for another ale. "This is for the community and that's what this is about really. It can be a place to gather."

"That's what I want for the people who live here too. We all contribute, we all take ownership and it becomes ours. Fleur and Dennis are two of my best friends and Oliver is a fine bloke. For the most part we all get along and we hang around together." He smiled wanly. "Living here got me through alot of lonely times when Fleur and Dennis arrived. Changed my life."

"Well, come back next week and you can choose any of the five open flats remaining. They're all brand new and refurbished, wood floors, new appliances and all have a lovely view." Taking her hand, he smiled. "I think you'd fit right in here."


shh_alicia September 11 2007, 10:15:43 UTC
“You know, I would believe it, but I had no idea you’re an architect,” Alicia was truly impressed by Dean’s occupation. “Well, I remember you being an incredible artist, so I suppose it makes sense, but not that you had made a career of it like that.” She gave his hand a squeeze and smiled up at him, feeling a burst of pride on his behalf.

“I remember Dennis from school, but he was so much younger than me, that I never really had anything to do with him,” she said, still holding Dean’s hand as they were looking out over the dance. “And you know about me and Oliver already so that should come as no surprise. But Fleur… she’s really surprised me in a good way, and I’m glad I’ve gotten to know her. Hopefully I’ll get to know her better when I move here.” She chuckled and looked up at him. “I’ll drop by next week… Tuesday or Wednesday I think would be the best bet, since I don’t think they are too booked up, but uhm… should I bring my stuff, or wait until later?”


shh_dean September 11 2007, 16:38:58 UTC
"If I had been such an incredible artist, I'd be making my living doing that. But I'm only a semi-incredible artist." He sighed and then grinned. "So I only get to draw straight lines and wiggly lines now with an occasional circle thrown in for good measure."

"He's a great guy. You should get to know him." He nudged Alicia. "He makes biscuits too. Real good biscuits." Nodding his agreement of her assessment, he replied. "They're both good people but I notice that not too many others give Fleur a chance since she's so pretty. Glad to see you gave her a chance but it's no surprise since you're so pretty too."

"You are eager." Dean's eyebrow raised before he smiled. "How about I come over and help you move before I show you a place then?"


shh_alicia September 11 2007, 17:11:30 UTC
“Yeah, I guess I’m eager,” Alicia admitted, “but I figure, if I have to do it, I might as well do it right away. Like Wood’s pointed out on several occasions, my flat’s pretty much a hole in the ground, and I really don’t have anything that’s holding me there. Better do it before I change my mind again, right?”

She looked down and sighed softly. “Actually, the reason I gave Fleur a chance hasn’t got anything to do with how I looked. It has to do with me seeking her out to let her know that I would pretty much hex her pert French arse six ways till Sunday if she ever hurt Oliver in any way.” She looked up at him again. “Turned out she had issues of her own, and that we had more in common than I had ever thought, and that’s how we got to talking.”


shh_dean September 12 2007, 15:13:52 UTC
"You should just move in then. They're ready for occupancy. All you need is some furniture and I can even toss in a bed." Dean replied and then laughed. "Where do you live now? It's that bad?"

"Well, you're pretty too. But that is good. She's a good person, just like you. It seems the two of you would get along." He leaned in closer. "But when she gets a few drinks in her, the French accent really comes out. You can barely understand her, so just nod along. That works for me."


shh_alicia September 12 2007, 16:56:17 UTC
Alicia burst out in laughter at Dean’s description of Fleur drunk. “I’ll be sure to do that…” she paused and looked up at him. “When can we get her drunk? I want to see that.” She shot him an all too bright grin, a wicked glint in her eyes. “Maybe a flatwarming at some point…”

“Oh well, we’ll figure it out when it happens.” She took a moment to remember what it was he had asked her, and at one point even looked questioningly up at him. “Where do I live now? That’s what you asked me. I still live in River Place, 5A, I’m sure you know where that is.” Looking up at him again, she shrugged. It wasn’t Dean’s fault that his best friend was a bastard, who just happened to be living in the flat directly below her. She sure wasn’t going to hold that against him.


shh_dean September 12 2007, 17:25:06 UTC
"That sounds good. I'll bring the booze and we can have everyone in the building show up." Dean replied excitedly. "Dennis will fix food and the others can just show up."

"Ah, right." In the excitement of her moving in, Dean had forgotten where she'd lived. He became a bit fidgety as he remembered Alicia and Seamus' relationship along with the implications of that. "I'd never been to your place but I've seen the flats. Most of them needed some type of work." Dean smiled nervously and added. "Well, we'll get you out of there soon."


shh_alicia September 12 2007, 20:17:05 UTC
”Of course we’ll get me out of there soon,” Alicia said cheerfully, nudging Dean gently in the hope that he would ease up and not worry about her and Seamus. “I mean, it has to be soon now, I want that party, and I want it soon. Did anybody ever tell you that I’m one hell of a genius when it comes to mixing drinks?”


shh_dean September 14 2007, 00:26:25 UTC
Alicia didn't seem too worried about her relationship with Seamus and he felt a wave of relief. Nodding, he smiled. "I think that you'll definitely fit in."

He reached out and took her hand, squeezing it once. "Of course, you get a free membership to everything and surely Dennis will be feeding you and providing smoothies too. The man can cook."

"Are you really?" He smiled. "Then you're the official bartender of Hammerside. It's a weighty responsibility but I think you'll be up to it. You've got gumption." Looking around, he saw a few people he should speak to and then glanced at Alicia. "I think I need to get around and meet some people. But I can come down to your office and we can run up and see the flats this week if you want."


shh_alicia September 15 2007, 17:56:59 UTC
“Yeah, Mum and Dad run a pub, and I’ve worked with Madam Rosmertha, so I know my way around behind a bar.” Alicia looked up at Dean and smiled, seeing the way he was looking around the people around them. “Right now I feel like I could move in first thing in the morning, however…” she gave his hand a squeeze. “You have to go be sociable, and I need to pick out the flat first, yeah?”


shh_dean September 16 2007, 00:48:26 UTC
"Genius, so you do have a job when we have functions from now on." He said excitedly. "So you really grew up around a pub, that's brilliant." Dean was a bit overexcited but growing up around a pub was a fantasy for him.

"As soon as possible, okay?" Dean replied and then felt the need, so he hugged her. "I'm really looking forward to you being here." Smiling, he added. "Any flat you want."


shh_alicia September 16 2007, 17:41:51 UTC
Alicia hugged Dean back, then jumped and clapped her hands excitedly like a little child. “Any flat I want!” She grinned then pointed both her index fingers at him. “And I’ll teach you to make the wickedest drinks! Now go… go be the handsome host and the responsible administrator.”


shh_dean September 18 2007, 01:38:51 UTC
Dean watched Alicia's enthusiasm and grinned before replied. "Except for mine. " Winking, he smiled. "I need to put away my stray boxers first." His grin grew wider. "I'm going to make you keep that promise."

"Handsome host? Must be someone else you're looking at." He commented and then straightened his tie. "Now, responsible administrator, I can agree to." He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek before he smiled. "See you later, love."


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