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Comments 129

shh_alicia July 7 2007, 04:57:50 UTC
Alicia shrieked and laughed when Oliver swung her around, just once but fast enough for her grey cap to whirl off her head. When he yelled out she grinned and squee’ed with him, and bounced a couple of times before she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tight and kissing his cheek. “I know!” she grinned and hugged him again, before she wrapped his arms around her, and stood with her back to his front and looked out over the entire ordeal ( ... )


shh_oliver July 7 2007, 05:05:30 UTC
Oliver was caught a bit off-guard by Alicia's question. He had brought his chin to her shoulder and had been watching her as she stood in front of him, scanning the areas but she had a more determined look in her eyes than normal and he realized that she wasn't just looking at the children running around or at the tall guy about to fall off his broom if he didn't stop swinging the bat so wildly while he was trying to thwack a bludger ( ... )


shh_alicia July 7 2007, 05:10:17 UTC
“Oh, is that all?” Alicia asked with a quirked eyebrow. “So she has a body every girl would kill to get, and she’s not much to look at?” She sighed and grumbled a few choice words about Oliver really knowing how to make a girl feel good about herself, when he distracted her by leading her attention to the Seeker Challenge.

“You know, I think it is,” she chuckled, “Man, that bloke just wasn’t meant to be let anywhere near a broom, was he?” She watched in awe as Timmons manhandled the poor broom as if it was his worst enemy. “Some people just never learn, do they?”

She grew quiet and worried her lower lip, before she bent down and picked up her grey cap from the ground. “Do you think he’ll race for it?” she asked and put the cap back on. Looking up at him, she sought reassurance from him, although she wasn’t sure exactly how Oliver would know more about Charlie’s intentions than she already did.


shh_oliver July 7 2007, 05:19:37 UTC
"Well, but she puts her knickers on one leg at a time just like all other girls except her legs go on forever and her knickers are much lacier." Oliver grinned and then heard Alicia grumble. He leaned forward and kissed the corner of her mouth before he turned her to face him and smiled. "You're beautiful too, you know?" He ruffled her hair before he brought his finger down to touch near her eye and then graze down to her chin. "But I can't be talking about that lovely blonde hair of yours or those big doe eyes or the pouty little face you have on right now because I don't know when Charlie will show up and I don't want him trying to beat me up or anything ( ... )


shh_caradoc July 7 2007, 14:27:18 UTC
Caradoc had been at the Quidditch grounds since early that morning. Minerva had asked if he'd be available to help her with the charms for the event and never one to turn down the chance to be of use, he naturally agreed.

He watched a pair of brothers who seemed to be thinking it might be more fun to whack each other than the toy bludgers. Caradoc decided to call time a few seconds early. Having raised 11 children, he was well aware that prevention was always the wisest course of action. It would be best to avoid giving anyone else in line the idea to take a whack at anything other than the balls.

"Great job! So who's next?" The next three in line received their beater bats. He flicked his wand at one of the bludgers to fly lower to make it easier for the small guy with the good arm. The kids were certainly having a great time. He was looking forward trying his own hand at the other activities when another volunteer came around to relieve him.


shh_oliver July 7 2007, 15:25:25 UTC
After he and Alicia drank their beers and she went wandering off to search for Charlie, Oliver did the same. He wanted to see Fleur but he told himself they'd be together all day and he'd be fine for the next few minutes. He wondered what would be in her basket and hoped she'd bring a few ales and thought sandwiches would be yummy, especially with some type of beef.

His idle wondering was interrupted when he saw Caradoc. The man had been a whirling dervish today and had helped out immensely working with Minerva on the last of the charms this morning. Then Caradoc astaounded him by volunteering to monitor the Bats and Bludgers Area and Oliver and Alicia had quickly agreed to his offer.

He wanted to ask Caradoc a few questions about him using his seemingly endless energy to help out with Quidditch once they got rolling and hoped he would agreed. Oliver grinned warmly as he approached him, holding out his hand while he called out. "Caradoc, can I talk to you for a minute?"


shh_caradoc July 7 2007, 16:23:49 UTC
Caradoc shook Oliver's hand. "Sure." He handed the time keeper over to the older teen who had been helping all morning, and clasped his shoulder. "You're in charge." Only years of teaching kept the smile off Caradoc's face when the young man puffed up his chest.

"What can I do for you, Oliver?"


shh_oliver July 7 2007, 17:53:20 UTC
Oliver smiled as Caradoc clapped his hand on the teen and left him in charge before he greeted him. It seemed that Caradoc definitely knew how to motivate people and his leadership ability was obvious. Combine that with his infectious grin and Oliver could see that Caradoc was the kind of person he was looking for.

"I just wanted to thank you for everything and after watching you, I'd say you've coached or done something similiar before." Oliver smiled. He nodded his head before he added. "I can really see you know people and that's why I wanted to talk to you about helping us get Quidditch off the ground again."


shh_angelina July 7 2007, 16:10:13 UTC
Angelina got up early that morning, made a good breakfast, and prepared for the Quidditch Day. It would be a great way to spend the day, meet some new people, socialize, and take her thoughts off her loneliness.

When she arrived, she was like a little kid in Honeydukes. Her eyes went all wide and she almost literally started jumping up and down. It was going to be a great day!

Angelina saw a few people she recognized, but decided to go scope out the Quidditch pitch and take a look at the obstacle course for the race, since she wanted to get every advantage she could to finish first. Angelina was never one to shy away from competition, but she wanted to be safe as possible about the whole ordeal.

Half-skipping, with a bounce in her step, Angelina headed over to the pitch with her broom slung over her shoulder.


shh_katie July 7 2007, 16:28:28 UTC
Katie had carefully slipped from her bed that morning, leaving Cedric fast asleep and snoring softly. She would have waited around for him to wake up, but she wanted to get to the field early to both see if Oliver and Alicia needed any help, and because she wanted to scope out everything set up. She knew he'd be by, considering he had mentioned providing something for the race. She'd forgotten to earlier, but she would have to search him out before the race to find out what colour his 'bonnet' was so she could aim for it in the mad dash to the finish ( ... )


shh_ginny July 7 2007, 16:45:27 UTC
Leaving her tea cup in the sink, Ginny dashed back upstairs to take a shower and get dressed, pulling on Charlie's old Chudley Cannon's t-shirt for good luck and tied her hair back up in a ponytail. She was half-way down the stairs when she stopped short, remembering what the flier had said about baskets and something about bonnets but most definitely the possibility of not wanting to wear a ratty old t-shirt so she changed quickly into a black henley.

Grabbing her new broom at the door, she let herself out and disapparated to the Quidditch Pitch, pleased to see a few people she already knew wandering around and headed over to the pitch area to check out the course.


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