RP: Am I a good man? Am I a mad man?

Jun 01, 2007 23:09

Date: 1 June 2005
Character(s): Remus Lupin (and Moony), Bill Weasley
Location: Bill's home
Status: Private
Summary: Remus... does the deed. And he is not happy about it.
Completion: Complete

At shortly after seven o'clock, Remus had arrived at Bill's home. He wasn't in the mood for talking, rather excusing himself downstairs to be alone with his thoughts until moonrise. He wasn't sure what Bill was doing elsewhere, nor did he really want to know.

All that could go through his mind was what he was about to do.

The wolf was restless and Remus found himself pacing the floor, unable to sit still for a moment longer. His thoughts oscillated between Bill and Gilen, hoping that his son was okay. Remus had yet to be away from him for a moon. It wasn't that he didn't trust Severus, much to the contrary -- it was that Severus couldn't intervene if things went awry. Remus had to trust it would be alright. One thing had to go right tonight.

Bill was upstairs. Bill was about to, and wanted to become a monster. Remus knew what would happen should he not bite Bill. He knew that beyond a shadow of a doubt. But it still didn't make things any easier in the long run.

He was still the one who had to bite Bill.

Fifteen minutes before moonrise, Remus walked to the foot of the stairs, looking up at the open door. He closed his eyes, knowing that within the hour the moon will have risen and Bill Weasley would be changed forever -- by his own hand.

"Bill?" Remus called out. "It's time."

place: private residence, bill weasley, remus lupin, june 2005

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