RP: Flying a bit too high

Jun 01, 2007 13:52

Date: June 1, 2005
Characters: Orla Quirke, Wayne Hopkins
Location: The road between River Place and Quirky thoughts
Status: Semi-Private
Summary: Early morning flying is one way to start the day
Completion: Complete

Orla couldn't sleep. A small voice in the back of her head was taunting her, calling her all manner of names for her cowardice. It had been weeks since she tried the broom, and as lovely as it was and easy as the flying was, she'd avoided it fearing it was just beginners luck. Still, with Sigmund and Kinsey both seeming to gang up on her (Kinsey had actually gotten the closet open, and knocked the broom out to lay in the entry hall last night), she might as well give it another go.

She looked out the window, seeing no one around. It was early enough that most everyone would still be abed, or at least not out and about. She took her broom out to the backyard for some slow hovering circles.

After about 5 minutes, her fear had receded enought aht she went higher, coming even with the roof of her house. She saw with some pride where Roger Davies crew and Marcus had fixed things up/ Having something to look at that was nearly as high as she was made the height difference all the better for her. She looked around and decided to fly a bit higher, testing her own limits, and brought the broom out over the 6th Street.

She stopped, hovering, and watched the beginnings of the sunrise over in the east, towards the town hall and observatory. It was truly one of the loveliest things. She'd get used to flying mornings right quick if it meant starting her day with that sight.

As the sun got higher, she banked to the left a bit, intending to climb high enough to be above River Place to watch it come in. As she did, she saw a man on his patio. He was drinking coffee, looking for all the world like he was still asleep. Except-

Suddenly, Orla's broom went slightly mad. The handle tipped too far back, as though trying to buck her, and she squealed, unable to bring it back forward, and hung there, upside down, until it began to point back to the ground, and in so doing, took a dive towards the street.

Orla managed to wrestled the broom back upright, and slowed the dive, but her tight grip made the whole thing wiggle and before she knew it, she was tumbling along 6th Street. She rolled over onto her back, panting, blinking rapidly to try and clear her vision. Goodness, but he'd been NAKED.

wayne hopkins, place: streets of shh, orla quirke, june 2005

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