A letter from home...

May 21, 2007 19:08

Date: May 13, 2005
Character(s): Kenneth Towler
Location: Kenneth's home
Status: Private
Summary: Kenneth gets a letter from his father
Completion: Complete

Kenneth Towler arrived home from the clinic in rather good temper. Two idiot children had gotten hold of a copy of Curses & Counter-curses and the results had been quite interesting if admittedly predictable. It had taken a full 30 minutes to untangle all of their mischief. The children, he doubted, would be reading that tome anytime soon, and the parents wouldn't be keeping it where their offspring could get their grubby hands on it in the near future either.

He'd no sooner stepped inside his house when an owl arrived (much to Cassie's dismay--she'd grasped the fact she wasn't permitted to kill the birds and had taken to hissing at them in annoyance, which didn't do much for bird or master). Hoping it might carry an urgent summons for an emergency case of resounding interest, he took hold of the letter it carried and was surprised to discover his family crest on the seal.  As neither of his parents were much for immediate correspondance--and his father actually preferred Muggle post--he was seized by curiosity and opened it.

Dear Kenneth,

I hope this letter finds you well. Based on your previous missives, I have no doubt that your healing practice is flourishing (unfortunate, is it not, how medicine always seems to take off after and in the midst of tragedy--I hope the power and drug problems following your unfortunate blackout have been resolved). Your letter regarding wizarding uses for MRIs made for quite the interesting read. I'm still attempting to locate the additional articles that you requested.

As to the reason behind this letter: Much as I loathe to intrude on personal matters (yes, before you ask, your aunt Maryse is still alive), I fear that I must in this instance. If you have not remembered--and you're my son, so you haven't--your mother's birthday is two weeks from today. Though the war years bestowed upon you a sort of benevolent immunity, this year, your mother will undoubtedly not forgive a breach of etiquette (especially as she sent you that  collection of wizarding operas for your own). I suggest something not as pragmatic as your gifts in previous years. Perhaps a visit? Though I daresay she'd understand if you cannot get away anytime soon. I know we were both delighted to see you this past winter, even Aunt Maryse. And if you might nip over to Edinburgh anytime soon and could get me a decent bottle of scotch, that would be much appreciated as well. The French make good wine, but can't produce anything else worth drinking.

All my love,


Kenneth eyed the letter much in the same the way the owl in his kitchen was looking at Cassie--with caution. His mother's birthday? Kenneth thought the whole concept of birthdays to be rather trying, though he had admittedly enjoyed his mother's gift. And his father was likely correct. His mother would desire acknowledgment and reciprocation. But a non-pragmatic present? That seemed to be stretching things a bit. He'd gotten her a very practical enchanted tea set several years before. Perhaps a piece of jewelry? Kenneth offered the owl some treats, informed it he would be sending no reply, and then watched the relieved bird fly off into the distance as he contemplated that most universal of pedestrian problems--what a son should get his mother for her birthday.

may 2005, place: private residence, kenneth towler

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