Date: 19 May 2005
Characters: Rabastan Lestrange, Andromeda Tonks
Location: Old Stone Church
Status: Private
Summary: Andromeda makes a follow up call on a reluctant patient.
Completion: Complete
Rabastan had written Horace earlier that he would be unable to attend the Old Slytherin's meeting. He hated to bow out at short notice, but the injuries he sustained on Wednesday left him so tired by the end of the day that we would not have been a valuable participant even if he could drag his old body down to the Town Hall.
He was resting in the gazebo, recording some of the older spells he had never bothered to record in his journal and lazily scratching Mahgda's chin. He had taken the last of the potions Andromeda had left for him that afternoon and was beginning to feel the aches returning. Andy said she would check in on him again on Saturday, so he had remained home all day. That was probably as well, considering how badly he ached yesterday after having walked no further than Hammerside and back.
Rabastan had just light the candles in the gazebo when he felt the wards shift at the walk. A few moment later, Andy came around the side of the church headed for the residence and he called the medi-witch over. "I am over here, oh glorious angel of healing."