OWL: To George, Viktor, Neville, Blaise, Colin and Dean

Apr 04, 2007 12:04

Date: 4 April 2005
Characters: Hermione Granger, George Weasley, Viktor Krum, Neville Longbottom, Colin Creevey, Blaise Zabini, Dean Thomas
Location: Various
Status: Private
Summary: Hermione sends out a few owls
Completion: Incomplete

Viktor )

neville longbottom, april 2005, viktor krum, george weasley, blaise zabini, dean thomas, colin creevey, hermione granger

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Comments 11

shh_blaise April 4 2007, 19:33:07 UTC

I’m good. Feeling better and yes it has been too long once again since I’ve had the pleasure of your company. How are you?

Meeting up sounds good. Taking us back to our roots, are you? I hope this isn’t your idea of curing me. I should inform you I’d be sceptical of its chance of success.

Perhaps a picnic at the library too and I can show you what’s been done?




shh_hermione April 4 2007, 20:22:37 UTC

I'm doing well. Staying busy but finding time to enjoy life, too.

Whyever would I wish to cure you, Zabini? I quite like encouraging this particular addiction.

A picnic at the library with one of my favorite people? As if I could resist such an offer? What day works best for you? Perhaps early next week, so we don't risk other projects overwhelming us by mid to late week.




shh_blaise April 4 2007, 23:05:07 UTC

While I’m glad you’re finding time to enjoy life, I feel the need to rush through an appointment with you. You’re temptation has proven too much, though I’m certain you anticipated as much.

We need to meet once more, my little pusher, and I favour sooner for my fix rather than later. I can meet you at the library, tomorrow, to secure the exchange. Shall we say lunchtime?

I’ll be waiting for you on the second floor with your payment.

Your addict.


shh_hermione April 4 2007, 23:15:25 UTC

Rushing? And here I thought you took pride in your patience. However, since this is to my benefit, I'll just look the other way this time.

Lunch tomorrow sounds lovely. I'll be at the library by noon.

See you tomorrow.



shh_dean April 4 2007, 19:59:28 UTC
Dean stared at Hermione's letter in disbelief. She was going to go through with it and allow him to paint her. If his mind hadn't been so bogged down with other things, he might even be giddy. But this was good news and he took out a quill and began to write his response.


It was great to see you and Roger on Saturday. I'm fine although a bit swamped at the present moment. If possible, would Monday, April 16th be okay?

I would like to be able to use natural lighting though, so I'd like to see about painting you during the early morning hours as close to sunrise as possible? If I can capture you against the background roughly, I should be able to finish the painting later and minimize the opportunity for you to fidget.

I have a setting in mind that would could be perfect for you and I'm very excited about doing this. Thank you for the opportunity.


P.S. And of course, Roger is invited too.


shh_hermione April 4 2007, 20:15:11 UTC

Monday the 16th would be fine. Early actually works best for me, so perhaps six am? Would you like me to meet you somewhere in particular or just at Bookworm?

Well, I still say you'll probably wish you could petrify me if you're trying to get me to stay still for too terribly long with a good book, but we'll see, I suppose. Thank you for the opportunity, as it's not every day a talented artist asks to paint me.


P.S. I'll be certain to give Roger the invitation, though I've no idea if he'd wish to be there or not.


shh_dean April 4 2007, 20:44:29 UTC

I didn't think too many people actually got up that early but six am works perfectly. I think that the Bookworm would be best and we can go from there.

You'll be fine. If I remember correctly, you could do just about anything you wanted if you put your mind to it. If not, I will have my wand ready.

Thank you for the compliment and I'm looking forward to our meeting.


P.S. Hopefully, Roger will be there to help hold you still.


shh_neville April 6 2007, 03:06:05 UTC
Neville distractedly took the letter from the owl that hopped impatiently on his workbench, scattering bits of foliage and seed. As he read it, a small, but elated, smile appeared on his face. He quickly penned a reply.


I'd love to join you. Please keep a seat open for me at the table and don't let Ron and Harry eat all the food before I get there. I don't foresee anything causing me a delay in arriving, but then, I'm no Trelawney. Ha ha.

Thanks for thinking of me.

Literally up to my elbows in fertilizer,



shh_viktor April 6 2007, 06:07:19 UTC
Viktor had set the letter aside when it first came in, but as he was coloring eggs with Maire, he recalled it had included an invitation.

He rinsed the cups and left the brightly clored eggs to dry, then asked Maire ho she felt about Easter dinner. He wasn't sure whether she had a specific tradition, though she'd been willing enough to cook eggs into bread with him--not that his family did anything with the tradiion other than the baking and the cracking egs together, but still, it wasn't her tradition. In any case, probably it would be all right, but he wanted to check.

She was all for the idea, pointing out that Hermione had a cat and, he had heard, a puppy, so he sat down to return her owl.

Dear Hermione ( ... )


shh_colin April 7 2007, 05:14:11 UTC
Colin was surprised when he received an owl from Hermione. He scrambled around to find a piece of parchment to pen a reply. He also made a note to owl Cedric again, he had been so busy over the last few months he had let that project slip away.


I am well, and I hope you're the same. I've let that project slip away from me over the last few months, but thank you for the reminder - I really would like to see that finished.

I would love to help give you any information you need about cameras and photography. It's one of my favorite subjects, as I'm sure you know. I don't know that I'm any sort of expert, but I have always had an easy time with cameras.

I'd love to meet sometime and give you any help I can, Romilda and Cormac are always telling me I should get out of the house more often. Let me know when would be best for you.



shh_hermione April 8 2007, 23:50:08 UTC

Oh, good. I look forward to meeting with you and learning what I can about photography. Would you be able one day this week? I have time on Tuesday afternoon. If that isn't good for you, I have time later in the week. Of course, the following week is fine, too, if that suits your schedule better. Just let me know.




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