RP: Moving On

Mar 26, 2007 09:55

Date: 26 March 2005
Characters: Caradoc Dearborn [Cai], Arabella Figg, Marietta Edgecomb
Location: Little Whinging, Exeter, Stoatshead Hill
Status: Private
Summary: Arabella makes her move with a little help from Cai and Caradoc.
Completion: Complete

Say goodbye to the old and hello to the new )

arabella figg, place: the ministry, caradoc dearborn, place: around shh, place: outside shh, march 2005

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shh_arabella March 26 2007, 16:21:29 UTC
This was the day. Arabella Doreen Figg was leaving the house she'd lived in almost 50 years and moving to Stoatshead Hill. Arabella had barely been able to sleep last night due to anticipation and wanting to make sure her house was ready for the new owners, Richard and Katherine Pattinson. They were such a lovely young couple, with an adorable 7-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son. At 3 o'clock she would sign the papers deeding the house to its new owners and leave Little Whinging for good. In the meantime, though, Arabella still had to pack her belongings in the magical way, which she couldn't do on her own, and do the last bit of cleaning up, which she could do on her own but didn't have to because Caradoc was sending his house elf to help.

So when a little elf in a pink chintz pinafore popped into the sitting room at 10 o'clock, Arabella wasn't at all surprised.

"Hello, Cai. I'm Arabella Figg. Thank you for coming."


shh_arabella March 27 2007, 12:15:51 UTC
Arabella looked from Caradoc to Cai and back during their conversation. It was obvious that her "nephew" needed to be very specific with the bossy little elf or Cai would do whatever she wanted, which wouldn't necessarily be what humans wanted. It was almost 60 years since Arabella had instructed a house elf so she tried her best to be authoritative.

"Cai," Arabella said firmly, with a nod, "you may unpack my clothing, personal items and the box with the small things for the kitchen. Please do not unpack any of the furniture yet."

She looked at Caradoc. "Well, young man, shall we find ourselves some lunch? We could stop at that pub just north of the river."


shh_caradoc March 27 2007, 13:41:12 UTC
"Lunch sounds perfect. The pub is called the Five Alarm. I should warn you that there are some food shortages in town and some of the normal menu items may not be available."

As they were preparing to leave, Caradoc remembered the stop at the Ministry. "Arabella, do you have your Floo forms and any other papers you'll need? We can always come back, but the Ministry is next to the pub. It seems silly to make two trips."


shh_arabella March 27 2007, 18:19:39 UTC
"Yes, I've got the forms in my handbag," she replied. "Let's visit the Ministry right after we eat. Then we should have time to return to Little Whinging before three o'clock. Best to arrive a bit early for the signing, I think."


shh_caradoc March 27 2007, 19:10:34 UTC
He and Arabella left Cai to her work with a brief reminder from Caradoc for her to follow the instructions. A nice walk up Epsilon and east on River and the pair reached the Five Alarm for lunch.

They took a seat at a table by the windows and waited for a server. "How does it feel to be leaving the old and beginning the new, Arabella?"


shh_arabella March 27 2007, 19:49:03 UTC
Arabella and Caradoc walked north on Epsilon Street, turning east after crossing the bridge. The Five Alarm seemed a pleasant enough pub, she thought as they found a table and sat down.

"It's very exciting, dearie, though I won't deny it's a bit frightening too," she answered. "But it's not as though I'm moving to London or Manchester or even some little town where I don't know anyone. I've got friends here already," she said, smiling benevolently at him, "you and Minerva and anyone else from the Order who might have settled here. So who have you seen recently that I might remember? And how is the new school coming along?"

A server came up and offered them menus. As it was already one o'clock, Arabella ordered the ploughman's lunch and a cup of tea without bothering to read the menu.


shh_caradoc March 27 2007, 22:57:07 UTC
"Remus Lupin and Molly Weasley are both here, but I've yet to catch up with either of them. I should probably send an owl... which reminds me, you should probably get yourself an owl soon. There is a familiar shop at 2nd and Gamma, and a lady about your age with an owlery, Willhelmina Grubbly-Plank, who also does some work with the school."

Caradoc thought for a moment, "Do you know Bill Weasley? Molly and Arthur's eldest was an Order member during the last war. But as I'm not sure who all were members after Albus shipped me off to America, I don't know who else would qualify."

Caradoc ordered a cider, the stew, and asked if the server if she'd bring a few extra of the dark rye rolls in the bread basket. He was disappointed to hear that there was no pumpernickel available at all. At least they had the stew.

After the server left, he decided to tell about his neighbor. "I have discovered that I supposedly live with someone quite fa... ahem, I have discovered that someone in my building is a fairly well known journalist, Rita ( ... )


shh_arabella March 28 2007, 02:40:47 UTC
Arabella nodded and smiled at the mention of Remus and Molly. "I suppose an owl would be a good idea. I shall miss the telephone most of all; it's so convenient. We'll see whether Tufty tolerates another familiar in the house. He's rather possessive of me." She gave Caradoc a long look. "Molly is a lovely woman, you know. Very maternal, of course, with that big brood of hers. Such a shame about Arthur. He was a wonderful man."

She pursed her lips in thought. "I know Bill as well. He was a cursebreaker for Gringott's Bank, I believe, somewhere in the middle east before the recent war began. Handsome, intelligent young man, he was, before... well, I'm sure he's still quite handsome despite any scars."

"Rita Skeeter?" Arabella thought for a bit. "She used to write some sensational articles for the Prophet about 10 years ago. She seemed fixated on poor Harry, and I'm sure some of it must have been tosh. Though she did write a lovely piece in The Quibbler around the same time. Harry explained about how Vo-- You-Know-Who came back ( ... )


shh_caradoc March 28 2007, 03:53:09 UTC
Caradoc had just taken a drink of his cider when Arabella shot him a look as she mentioned Molly. He choked a bit, but he didn't really mind as it masked the true reason for his slight blush as he coughed. "Hem... excuse me, wrong pipe." Taking a moment behind his napkin to compose himself he added, "She works here, I think I may have told you, Molly does, or at least I've been told that, but I haven't seen her about..." Stop rambling, Slick. Auntie Arabella is going to be on to you if you can't shut your gob.

"Bill and I mostly chatted about how much he reminded me of his uncle Gideon Prewett, and my music. I met him playing trumpet by the river one night. Along with one of your young friend Potter's best mates, the young lady, Miss Granger."

Caradoc laughed at learning Arabella's thoughts on Rita. His neighbor certainly seemed suited to the sensational, although he could tell she was very serious about her business.

The stew was excellent as usual. It wasn't long before he had nearly finished.


shh_arabella March 28 2007, 04:06:14 UTC
As Arabella mentioned Molly Weasley, Caradoc began choking. He insisted his cider had gone down the wrong way; Arabella didn't believe that for a moment, but she'd not embarrass him any further. At least he doesn't seem disgusted by the mention of Molly, she thought, wondering how she might engage in some matchmaking. "Oh, Molly works here? That's -" She bit back the word convenient. "--interesting."

"You've met Miss Granger?" she asked. "Harry used to speak of her often. What's your impression of her?"

Arabella picked at her bread and cheese. She was much too excited about moving to the new house and selling the old one to be able to eat much. When she'd drained her tea cup and Caradoc seemed close to finished, she checked her watch. "It's a quarter of two. I don't mean to rush you, dearie, but we should visit the Ministry now." She raised a hand, hoping to attract their server so she could settle the cheque.


shh_caradoc March 28 2007, 04:54:08 UTC
Caradoc almost narrowed his eyes at the tone in Arabella's voice as she asked if Molly did indeed work here. His older friend was entirely too blithe for his comfort. Although he thought that he really wouldn't mind becoming reacquainted with her ( ... )


shh_arabella March 28 2007, 12:23:43 UTC
Caradoc described Miss Granger, who sounded like a good sort of friend for Harry Potter. "And Harry is living here in Stoatshead Hill too? I shall have to visit him once I'm settled. The publishing company is just the ticket, I think; so many people will need new copies of old texts and handbooks ( ... )


shh_caradoc March 28 2007, 15:09:58 UTC
"From what I understand he is. The young lady also operates the local bookshop. It is on Alpha south of the river."

Caradoc also thanked Miss Edgecombe for her understanding. "The fireplace is quite small. My house elf will be on premises and you may instruct her in completing any modifications required if it would speed the installation. I did not want to direct any changes myself when we had ability to obtain the expert advice of your department for any modifications."

After they left the Ministry, it was time to return to Little Whinging. "I'm fairly familiar with the town, Arabella. Where do I need to take us next?"


shh_arabella March 28 2007, 16:52:47 UTC
Arabella was relieved when Miss Edgecombe agreed to work with the house elf to ensure the necessary modifications to the fireplace. Of course, it would be in the young woman's interest to make sure her customers were happy, and she did seem a reasonable type; Arabella was glad she'd not happened to get a surly or snappish one helping her.

"The estate agent from Foxton's will meet us at Seymour's on the High Street," she replied. Clutching Caradoc's arm, she Apparated with him to Little Whinging, where they walked to the mortgage broker's office, arriving at ten minutes of three. Arabella pulled a book of crossword puzzles from her handbag and worked on one, while Caradoc read a magazine. At 3 o'clock Mr Barnham, from Foxton's, ushered them into the office where Arabella signed the papers handing her house over to the Pattinsons. Half an hour later, she left with Caradoc, who Apparated them directly to Exeter so that Arabella could open a new bank account with her cheque for £187,593.


shh_caradoc March 28 2007, 21:46:12 UTC
The banking was very simple, as was the marketing. Before too long the pair was ready to return to Stoatshead Hill.

Caradoc shrunk their purchases, trolley and all. "I will return the shopping cart after we empty your purchases. I don't think they'll miss one for 20 minutes or so, do you?"

They arrived outside her home. "I'll have to go over everything with you after we unload and I've returned the cart... trolley. If you want to know where everything is, we'll need to keep an eye on Cai and her magic fingers or she'll have it all put up faster than you can say shopping."


shh_arabella March 29 2007, 01:14:49 UTC
Arabella had enjoyed the trip to the bank in Exeter immensely. Once the bank manager got over the shock of a little old lady handing him a cheque for 187,593 pounds he'd expedited all the paperwork for setting up a chequing account and several investments. Arabella had taken out several hundred pounds so she wouldn't have to worry about cash for awhile, and she'd spent close to 50 pounds at the Tesco in Exeter. Of course some of that was new food and a nicer kitty bed and some toys for Tufty, who was sure to be anxious due to his human's extended absence that day.

Caradoc took care of making their purchases more portable. "No, I don't suppose so," she agreed. When they returned to the new house, he voiced some concerns about dealing with Cai. She nodded her agreement. "I've already noticed that Cai has quite an independent streak. So please, show me whatever I need to know first."


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