RP: An eventful breakfast

Mar 04, 2007 06:21

Date: March 3, 2005, Breakfast
Character(s): Romilda, Colin, Cormac, Tiberius Ogden
Location: The house on Copper Street
Status: Private
Summary: A very eventful morning for Cormac at the 'loveshack' sees him receive lots of life altering news.
Completion: Incomplete

So... Daddy Mac. About the 'daddy' thing... )

tiberius ogden, romilda vane, cormac mclaggen, place: private residence, march 2005, colin creevey

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Comments 31

shh_colin March 3 2007, 20:52:51 UTC
Colin roused to the smell of sausages wafting up the stairs. He breathed in deeply and stretched. He pulled himself up out of bed as quietly as he could, he didn't want to wake Cormac just yet. He pulled on a shirt, with his boxers, and headed downstairs.

He smiled at both Liam and Romilda, He ruffled Liam's hair as he poked at his cereal. And then he wrapped his arms around Romilda from behind as she stood near the stove.

"Morning, love." He stifled a yawn as he held her.


shh_romilda March 3 2007, 21:02:39 UTC
Romilda warmed to Colin's embrace, leaning back and giving him a peck on the cheek. "Hey there sleepyhead," she said, trying hard to suppress her own yawn as she watched Colin trying not to yawn.

Romilda popped a sausage into her mouth, feeling quite hungry for a change. "'M starvin'," she said in between mouthfuls of the hot breakfast. She knew Colin was worried about her and she gave him a report before he could ask. "Yeah, I'm still getting morning sickness, but I'm hungrier than a hippogriff this morning."

"Did you sleep well? What about Mac?" she sighed as she handed Colin a plate filled with eggs, tomato and sausages. "I think we're going to have to talk to him soon - make a point of telling him."


shh_colin March 3 2007, 21:08:25 UTC
"Well that's a good change isn't it? Better than not wanting anything to eat at all isn't it?" Colin gave her a concerned look as he took a step back.

"I slept alright, I think we need to tell Cormac today though. It's really been wearing on me keeping this from him. I think he knows something is up." He sat down after he took his plate from Romilda.

"What do you think?" Colin took a bite of sausage as he spoke. He hated keeping things from Cormac, especially something as big as this. He worried too what Cormac would do with the news, would he flip out and try to leave? Colin didn't know what they would do if he did.


shh_romilda March 3 2007, 21:16:42 UTC
"Yeah," she said in reply as she stuffed another sausage from the pan into her mouth.

She watched the worry on Colin's face. Yes, it had been hard for him to keep the news secret. "Yeah, you're hopeless at secrets, Colin Creevey," she said as she joked. "But yeah, we'll tell him this morning," she said, leaning over the table to grab the jug of juice.

"Tell Daddy Mac what?" Liam asked in a loud voice. "You got a secret?" he asked hopefully.

Romilda just realised that Liam was going to overhear every word, and she looked sheepishly at Colin. "Liam, why don't you go and watch some tv," she said, grateful that he could be distracted so easily by the muggle contraption. She didn't need him in the room. Goodness knew what Cormac's reaction would be, and it did worry her that he might not take it as well as Colin had.


shh_cormac March 3 2007, 21:20:54 UTC
The smell of sausage woke him in what was becoming a weekly ritual. He reached for Colin, but knew he was already up. He smiled and stretched against the sheets, before he remembered his worrying thoughts from last night, that the two of them were keeping something from him.

He'd noticed over the week that they refused to look at him at odd times, and that Romilda was still getting sick often. He thought he knew what was wrong, but hoped he wasn't right. He didn't know what he'd do if he was.

He rolled out of bed and grabbed a pair of jeans to tug on, and a faded Puddlemere t-shirt.

He headed down to the kitche, wondering if today was the day he would know Romilda was dying.


shh_romilda March 3 2007, 21:27:34 UTC
Romilda heard Cormac's heavy steps on the stairs, and saw the worried look on Colin's face. She gave him a reassuring pet on the arm as she got up to serve up a plate of breakfast for Cormac.

"Hey Mac," she said with a smile, giving him a kiss as she handed him a plate of breakfast. She saw the concern on his face, and bit her lip. Perhaps they should not have kept it from him for so long.

"What's wrong?" she said straight out.


shh_cormac March 3 2007, 21:29:44 UTC
Cormac kissed Romilda softly, taking the plate from her. He gave Colin a kiss good morning as well, before settling at the table to eat.

He looked up from his food as Romilda asked him what was wrong.

He looked at her seriously. She looked pale, and tired, and he just knew something was wrong.

"I don't know," he said. "Maybe you should tell me."


shh_romilda March 3 2007, 21:44:26 UTC
Romilda bit her lip as his tone was slightly accusatory, nodding her head slightly.

"Yeah, I deserve that," she said as she glanced over at Colin for support. "Cormac, I wanted to say something all week, and so has Colin, but we wanted to find the right time... I guess we never did."

"Now, the only reason I told Colin before I told you was that he was there when I blurted it out... and I made him promise not to say anything until we were all here. I guess now's a good a time as any."

She didn't quite know exactly what to say now that the moment was here, as she was more worried about Cormac's reaction more than anything.

"You remember that night -- after our birthday party? How we all apologised for upsetting you, and how Colin and I thanked you for putting on our party?"


shh_tiberius March 4 2007, 03:30:40 UTC
It hadn't taken Tiberius long to get acclimated to town. For lack of decent places in town to stay, and Tiberius had no desire to 'claim' a house for himself, he'd been staying at a hotel in Exeter, just until the time came to play his hand.

It was easy to blend in with the crowd in Stoatshead Hill, Tiberius thought as he made his way down the now-familiar streets. Everyone was so complacent and at ease that even a strange face didn't cause alarm.

He was a bit concerned at the integration of Muggle society into the newly born Wizarding world. He'd seen signs of a cinema of all things, as well as a night club. This wasn't even taking into account the use of Muggle electricity, and he'd heard some young witches and wizards gossiping about the latest episode of some insipid Muggle sitcom ( ... )


shh_romilda March 4 2007, 04:09:08 UTC
Romilda ran a hand through her hair and readjusted her dressing gown as she looked through the peephole. An older wizard was standing there -- a much older man. She thought he looked somewhat familiar, but she couldn't place him. But she guessed from the cut of his robes that he had not been one of her old clients, and that made her sigh in relief.

Opening the door, she smiled at the man and put on her best manners. "Good morning sir," she said politely. "How may I help you?"

Just at that moment, Liam came bounding to the door and started babbling. "Who is it Mummy?" he asked. As he looked up at the older man, his eyes widened into great pools and he seemed in awe. "Ooh, you have lots of wrinkles on your face. Are you an elephant?" he asked.

Romilda was horrified. "Liam, please," she said in embarrassment. "Go and find Daddy Mac and tell him that there is someone at the door," she added, purely to just get rid of Liam.

"Sorry sir," she said in way of apology. "Now, how can I help you?"


shh_tiberius March 5 2007, 01:02:36 UTC
Tiberius grinned down at the boy. Good looking kid, he thought, his eyes roaming over the small form. He frowned a bit as he noticed the birthmark behind the boy's ear. It was familiar, but he couldn't quite place it. It would come to him though.

"Hello there," Tiberius said, a bright smile on his face. "I'm Tiberius Ogden, Cormac's uncle, not an elephant!"

Tiberius watched, an expression of fond amusement on his face. "I'm terribly sorry to have interrupted your morning," he said, his expression changing to one of chagrin seamlessly. But inside he was glowering. Daddy Mac? It was a travesty to the McLaggen name to have laid claim to a bastard. Especially the bastard of a prostitute.

He'd collected a lot of information on his nephew's lovers over the past month, and he wasn't at all pleased with what he'd learned, the Vane family name aside.

"As I told the boy, my name is Tiberius Ogden. Is Cormac around? I know this is a bit of a surprise visit, but I was hoping to have a word."


shh_romilda March 5 2007, 01:23:27 UTC
Romilda smiled when the man spoke with a friendly Scottish lilt. He seemed very polite to Liam, and when he introduced himself as Cormac's uncle, her eyes widened ( ... )


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