Date: January 13,2005 (late)
Character(s): Terry, Cedric, Ron
Location: 5 Alarm
Status: Public
Summary: An exhausted Cedric is done for the week and decides he's earned a pint. Or three. They talk charms, and Cedric has a small seizure.
Completion: Complete
His week was finally over, and it seemed that he'd paid for his time off with extra stress once back. He didn't think he'd turned in one day since under 10 hours and he had exactly one day off (Sunday) before he got to go back Monday and do it all again -- including find a new caterer with no guarantee he wouldn't be going from the frying pan into the fire. At least the conclusion of the business school conference had been catering-error-free, and next weekend -- no conferences. He planned to spend part of Saturday in London, measuring displays and storing items now that former locations were all recorded. He also wanted to find time to visit Robards and Weasley, let them know about the museum, so he could plan a painting day. Where he was getting money for the paint, he still didn't know. (And he'd talk to Katie about going ahead with the second and perhaps first floors since any public painting would involve only the ground floor.)
Thus he was still thinking about museums -- even if a different one -- when he stopped by the 5 Alarm, hoping they might still be serving dinner despite the hour (he'd fed people earlier, but hadn't had a chance to eat much himself), or at least have a beer. He was too tired to cook and just wanted a warm spot by the fire.
Unfortunately, spots by the fire were taken already by this time on Saturday night. He wound up at the bar and asked for some dark beer and a bowl of stew if any was left. Something warm. He'd have liked to lay his head right down and sleep while he waited but reckoned people would think him either depressed or drunk, when he was just dead tired.