RP: Happy Christmas to All - even the silent ones

Dec 23, 2006 06:56

Date: December 23, 2004
Characters: Gilderoy Lockhart, Ginny Weasley
Location: The Hospital
Status: Public
Summary: It’s the day before Christmas Eve, and things look bleak for Gilderoy. In an attempt to find the answers he needs, he decides to go visit an old friend and gain some perspective.
Completion: Complete

The sign on the door read “CLOSED” in large block letters. It was rather an upsetting thing to do, actually, but something that needed to be done. He had not one customer the previous day, and his brief interaction and discussion with Susan last night made him think hard about his “Grande Master Plan.”

It wasn’t working out the way he had planned. This new Wizarding world was far too interested in just throwing away tradition and turning to Muggle items. They had no pride, no interest in supporting their fellow wizards, and it was driving Gilderoy’s kind to virtual extinction.

Stoatshead Hill had no use for him. It wasn’t a personal thing, of course, and Gilderoy did not take it as such. Before, he had simply been making things for his own survival and to regain esteem he had lost long ago. That whole business he read about Harry Potter rescuing him and pulling him out of the chamber, taking him to St. Mungo’s with no more memories than which side was up and what language he should speak, had lost him more than just his mind. Nobody trusted him, people looked at him with disgust and pity, and worst of all, they were all so bloody prejudiced.

Years of therapy and re-learning the basics in St. Mungo’s taught him more than his primary school education. While he was there, he saw how the invalid and simple-minded were treated. How the Mediwitches and Mediwizards passed by the Longbottoms without two words to them on some days. How callous and insensitive they were to Mr.Lovegood, just changing his bed linens with a few snide comments, and not even taking the time to talk to them as if they were alive.

And the visitors were just as bad. Gilderoy had, on numerous occasions, come out to talk to people who had been passing by, or visiting other patients, but they all treated him as if he were some sort of mutation that might infect them if they got too close.

“They’re all a bunch of fools,” he muttered to himself as he walked away from the Gildery Shoppe, a large parcel tucked neatly under his arm.

Of course, there were some good ones there. Andromeda Mediwitch was quite nice, and seemed to take a genuine interest in every patient. She had helped him out a lot. And people like Rosie were always around, as well. But Gilderoy’s faith in the Wizarding world was shaken, and it bothered him that because of a silly thing like lack of self respect and pride, his master plan was not progressing as he had expected.

But there was one man who had the answers he needed. He could go and talk to him and figure out what needed to be done. The same man who helped him get through so many frustrating nights at St. Mungo’s by just listening to him patiently. He would always have an open and understanding ear for Gilderoy, and for that he was eternally grateful.

So, it was with a heavy parcel and a lightening heart that Gilderoy set out for the hospital.

place: hospital, gilderoy lockhart, december 2004, ginny weasley

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