RP: Chaos in the form of a tea party

Dec 03, 2006 15:29

Date: December 3rd, 2004.
Character(s): Tracey Davis, Violet Davis, Ben Boot, Terry Boot, Liam Vane, Romilda Vane, Ella Bulstrode, Millicent Bulstrode, Marcus Flint & possibly Adrian Pucey.
Location: 6D, Copper Towers.
Status: Semi-Private (if your character hears noise then feel free to join the chaos).
Summary: Violet has a tea party.
Completion: Incomplete.

Violet was VERY excited. In fact, so excited that she couldn't stand still for more than two seconds which was only serving to annoy the fuck out of Tracey. The girl had practically soaked the bathroom by splashing around in her morning bath, had made her room look like a hurricane had hit it when she'd been getting dressed and was now jumping on the sofa.

Tracey had thought she'd have at least ten years before her child turned into a teenager. "Violet, will you please stop it!" she shouted, losing her patience.

She'd made the place as child-friendly as possible. All priceless heirlooms and things Tracey liked were locked in the bedroom with many hexes guarding them, throws were over the black leather sofas and she'd removed some of the distracting things. The CD player was still there as was the TV and DVD player but the games console (Tracey really liked Need for Speed 2 although she'd never admit it) and Violet's dressing up box had been put away.

"But mummy it's my party!" Violet protested, stamping her foot on the sofa and jumping down, missing the coffee table by inches. "And I want to run around. Where are my friends anyway? I want to have my party!"

Tracey wondered if she could call the entire thing off. Or throttle Violet without anyone noticing she was suddenly childless. "They'll be here in a minute. Why don't you come help me put the biscuits and chocolates on plates, hmm? And you can bring the ribena in. Not everyone likes tea, Violet."

Violet grinned. "'Kay! Let's do it!" she said, running into the kitchen with Tracey following her.

Today was going to be a long day.

romilda vane, millicent bulstrode, marcus flint, terry boot, adrian pucey, tracey davis, december 2004

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