OWL: To Adrian Pucey, Dimtri Vladimirsky

Nov 28, 2006 16:12

Date: November 28, 2004 (Morning)
Character(s): Ginny Weasley, Adrian Pucey
Location: Ginny’s Tent
Status: Private
Summary: Ginny wants to return something and lends something out.
Completion: Complete

Ginny apparated to the ward line on Weasley Lane at 7 a.m., coming off a round-the-clock shift and chose to walk the rest of the way to her tent, shoving her hands in her jeans pockets as she walked. The warming charm buffered the cold wind around her and Ginny found herself squinting up at the sullen Sun as she walked.


Sighing, Ginny reached into her pocket and retrieved the small black kitten, placing it on her shoulder without breaking her stride, saying. “Lyda spoiled you, Mishka. Now you must deal with me and I am not used to sharing my life with someone else. Not anymore.”

A pillow flew through the doorway, hitting her square in the head, waking her with a grumble as Pavel fled down the hallway laughing heartily, his deep voice telling her to get up and have some coffee.

Ginny smiled sadly at the memory, kicking a rock in the dirt pathway as the kitten’s tail flicked up and down her neck.

’Kisa… you must learn. Pavel no care you tired. Again. Harder. Dark vizard stop not dis vay.’

Ginny grimaced, her thoughts going back to her intentional display of silent disapparation to Jack only four days earlier. She’d meant it as a reassurance and now she wondered which of them had needed it.

’Thinkink hard, Kisa. Father wait. Again. When Gin-er-va do, ve dine vith Father.’

The voice of her long dead friend rang painfully in her ears and she blinked back hot tears as she stepped into her tent. Thoughts of him closed a fist around her heart and the petite redhead found herself in her bedroom, kneeling at the trunk in the corner.

Lifting out the blankets, she slid the false bottom over and took out a wand. Holding it in the shadowed light, Ginny knew what she had to do.

Mishka hopped from her shoulder and curled up on her bed as she pulled out a parchment and began to write.

Второй отец,

Пропуск много дней. Трудная зима приходит. с сынком. дочь думает отца с скорбой.

Ваша дочь думает вашего сынка. Бумажные слова без значения.

Ваша дочь умоляет помилованию.

С обожанием

*Translation from Russian

Second Father,

Many days pass. Difficult winter comes. Your daughter thinks of father with sorrow.

Your daughter thinks of your son. Paper words without value.

Your daughter entreats to pardon.

With adoration,

Her gaze fell on a book lying on her dresser and remembered she had meant to owl it to Adrian days earlier but had forgotten. Rising, she drew out her wand and shrunk the tomb to manageable size and scribbled a quick note.


I meant to send this sooner but things got away from me. I hope you’ve enjoyed the books I left at the hospital for you. We’ll have to get together to brainstorm soon.


Wrapping the miniature book in the parchment, Ginny went to the kitchen and tied both parchments to her owl’s leg, saying sternly. “Go to Adrian Pucey’s first, please, but do not wait for a reply. You have a long flight ahead and you cannot stop to roost. You must go to House Vladimirsky directly. You will wait there for a reply.”

november 2004, adrian pucey, ginny weasley

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