Always Attract (Chapter 94)

Sep 30, 2011 13:59

“Oh! There’s my boy!” Emma squealed.

“Hey grandma,” Luke said walking into the kitchen of the farm. Emma pulled him in a tight hug and only released him so she could get to Reid. “Hello dear.”

“Hi Mrs. Snyder.”

“Oh ssshh,” she chastised. “Call me Emma. After all, you’re family now.”

“Grandma,” Luke groaned in embarrassment.

“Well come on, come on. There’s more people in the living room.” She ushered them further into the kitchen, while the distant voices grew louder. Standing in the doorway of the living room, they had a perfect view of all the Snyder’s in attendance for the holiday. All it took was five seconds for Ethan to notice them. Grinning widely, he shrieked and ran straight for them, attaching himself to Reid’s legs. Luke, who had crouched down and opened his arms frowned as his little brother ran straight past him.

“Thanks Eth,” he said dejectedly as the young boy continued to latch on to Reid.

“What can I say?” Reid shrugged. “I’m just that popular.”

“Sorry Luke,” Ethan smiled as he finally unattached himself from his brother’s boyfriend.

“Come here,” Luke replied fondly. He gathered Ethan up in a hug. “I’ve missed you.”

“Missed you too,” he murmured.

After Ethan’s acknowledgement of the two new people in the room, a chorus of greetings followed by other members of the Snyder clan. Hugging his father, Luke hadn’t realized just how much he missed all of them, including the small town of Oakdale. One spare look in Reid’s direction though, reaffirmed his opinion that he’s been where he belonged. While he loves his family and would easily die for any one of them, his place was with Reid. That he was sure of.

“We’re here!” came a voice from the kitchen. Reid practically sprinted across the living room back into kitchen, knowing that, that voice came from his favorite bubbling blonde.

“Eeeeek!” Luke heard her shriek. He laughed as he followed Reid into the other room, his own pace a little more leisurely. There by the door was Katie, looking utterly beautiful (or at least from what he could tell with the death grip Reid had placed around her) and standing just to the back of her was Matt with a squirming toddler Jacob who seemed desperate for release.

“Seems like someone wants down,” Luke laughed.

“Hey Luke,” Matt smiled. He bent down to set Jacob on the floor, the child instantly running for the living room as soon as his feet hit the ground.

“Wow he’s gotten fast.”

“No kidding.” Matt moved to take off his coat and dusted the snow off his hat. “Try keeping up with him all the time.”

“Here I’ll take your coat.”

“Thanks Luke. I can’t believe it’s snowing this much already.”

“We’re supposed to have a lot in St. Louis this winter.”

“Here too. It sucks. The weather might be the one thing I miss about Dallas.”

Luke glanced over to Reid and Katie where they were still wrapped up in each other, practically hugging and circling each other at the same time. Luke rolled his eyes and shook his head in amusement. “Come on,” he said pulling Matt along side him. “Let’s give these two lovebirds some privacy.”


“You look really good,” Matt said quietly when it was just him and Luke alone.

“I feel really good.”

“And you and Reid?”

“Me and Reid,” Luke sighed. “Reid and I are good. Better than good actually. Great. Amazing. Wonderful.”

Matt smiled. “I’m glad. You guys deserve it after everything you two have been through. What about everything else?”

“Work is great. The new project with the foundation is coming along. We finally broke ground. I’m still taking classes online.”

“Do you ever think about enrolling at a school there instead of having to do everything online?”

“I don’t mind it really,” Luke replied honestly. “It’s convenient for work, but……”

“What?” Matt asked.

“Well it’s just…..we haven’t really talked about what’s going to happen after the Foundation’s project is done. I mean…..technically I wouldn’t have a reason beside Reid to stay there.”

“Beside Reid?” Matt raised his eyebrow.

“No,” Luke shook his head looking apologetic, “I didn’t mean it like that. Of course he’s reason enough for me to stay there, it’s just…..I don’t want to freak him out. I don’t know if he’s ready for that kind of a commitment yet. You know….the whole moving to a different state for someone commitment. I know he wants to be with me as much as I want to be with him, but…..we haven’t even said I love You yet. Maybe he’s expecting me to go back to Oakdale afterward and for us to give the long distant relationship thing a try.”

Matt nodded. “I guess it’s just something you guys will have to talk about.”

“Yeah,” Luke murmured. “So what about you? How have you been? We haven’t spoken to each other much recently.”

“Been busy,” Matt sighed.

“Busy with a certain…” Luke guessed.

Matt coughed awkwardly. “Uhh….no actually. Mine and Jared Shipley’s time has officially come to an end. It was fun while it lasted though.”

“I’m sorry that things didn’t work out. The guy was obviously a player. You deserved much better.”

“Actually,” Matt said slowly. “I might have been the one doing the playing in that relationship. He actually wanted to get more serious.”

“Really?” Luke said shocked. “Him?”

“Yeah. He wasn’t too bad either once you got to know him a bit; egotistical as all hell but he could make me laugh sometimes. And the sex……the sex was……fantastic.”

“Okay,” Luke cringed. “I don’t need to hear about that part.”

Matt shrugged. “I never wanted it to become anything serious. Then he started to develop feelings for me that were more than just sexual and I……” he paused, “I just didn’t want that.”

Luke cleared his throat. “Casey and his girlfriend broke up you know?” Matt’s eyes flickered over. “We’d been staying in touch by e-mail, not really speaking to each other I guess, until Reid made us. Called us both idiots and told us to grow up.” Matt snorted. “He ended things with her.”

“Good for him,” Matt replied while trying to appear disinterested.

“Have you…..have you thought about talking to him at all? He mentioned he was going to try to come home for break.”

“He is home. Katie told me. She’s going over to Margo’s later for dessert.”

“You should go too,” Luke offered. “I know how much Margo and Tom seem to love you.”

“No Luke,” Matt said shaking his head. “I know you want me and Casey to work things out, but it’s not going to happen okay? Just because you and Reid did doesn’t mean everyone can.”

“I just don’t see why you can’t at least try,” he implored. “The problems that Reid and I had were way worse than you and Casey. You and Casey didn’t even actually have any problems which just makes this whole thing even more frustrating. You should talk to him while he’s home. I know he still has feelings for….”

“Luke STOP!” Matt yelled. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore. Just….drop it.” Matt sighed in frustration before getting up and moving out of the room. Luke fell backwards annoyed by the entire situation. “Men,” he irritatingly spat out.


Dinner was amazing of course. With Emma cooking, there could be no wrong. It was the first time that Reid ever really had a chance to experience Luke’s grandmother’s cooking. The only other time he had ever been at the farm for a meal was when he first saw Luke again and that evening obviously had been cut short. Emma’s Thanksgiving meal though had been to die for. Despite the expert cooking that had taken place however, Reid couldn’t help but notice the slight tension between Matt and Luke. At one point he reached under the table to squeeze Luke’s hand in question, but Luke just gave him a reassuring smile and a look of ‘I’ll tell you later’.



Luke turned around to see Holden walking in the barn. He should’ve known his dad would be able to find him. The stables and the pond always soothed him. It’s where he always went to think or calm down if he just needed some peace and quiet.

“What are you doing out here?”

“Just came to visit Reece’s.”

“Mmm,” he nodded understandingly. “Reece’s has missed you. But what else is going on?”

“Nothing really.”

“Luke….I’m your father. I know when something’s on your mind, so… to me.”

“Okay,” he agreed. “Dad… you ever…..regret taking me in?”

Holden laughed and then looked confused. “I never took you in Luke. You weren’t some kind of stray.”

“No, I know, but….I wasn’t yours either. Not really.”

“You were mine in every way that counted. From that first moment I held you Luke, when you opened your eyes and stared right up at me… were mine. We may not share DNA but we’ve always shared a lot more. I love Aaron, but you and me have always been closer and even though I can’t help but go to complete mush when Ethan looks at me, I’m a little older and feel more…..”

“Parental,” Luke supplied.

“Yes. Parental with him. You though…’ve always been special Luke. It hasn’t always been easy and we’ve both made a lot of mistakes, but I would have never given up our relationship for anything in this world. I love you.”

He sniffed and wiped the tears from his eyes at his father’s words. “I love you too dad.”

“So let me ask you. Does this have anything to do with a certain baby?”

“I don’t know. Maybe,” he feigned innocence.


“Yes,” he admitted. “We haven’t been able to find a good foster home for him to go to and I don’t want him going to a group home. Not while he’s still so little and what if he has a relapse? He’s still not completely well and…..”

“Luke, do you want to take care of this child?”

“I think I do, but Reid. He’d never go for it and….I can’t lose him again dad. If I had to make a choice….I promised myself that if Reid and I were to cross paths again that I wouldn’t let anything come in between us and I stick by that.”

“And what specifically makes you think Reid would never go for it?”

Luke shrugged. “We haven’t talked about it; the whole kids thing. I mean, we’ve only been together for about six months and don’t get me wrong, they’ve been amazing, but…..what if he sees different things for our future?”

“You’re never going to know unless you talk to him about it.”

“I know,” Luke conceded. “I’m just……scared.”

“Sometimes things are scary, especially if it involves your relationship and not knowing how your partner is going to react. You and Reid though…..seeing you two finally together after so long…..I think the worst is behind you guys. Give him a chance to surprise you Luke. I have a feeling he will.”

“Thanks dad.”


Luke leaned back when he felt a strong pair of lithe arms wrap around him. He shivered as he felt Reid’s warm breath on the back of his neck.

“Your dad said you wanted to talk to me.”

“I do.”

“Normally I would be freaked out right now, but I think we’ve moved past that, don’t you think?”

Luke turned around in Reid’s arms and clutched on to the back of his coat. “We have.”

“So why don’t you tell me what’s up so we can go back inside before you get sick. You’ve been out here for awhile and it’s not good for you.”

“I’m fine,” Luke argued.

“Shut up Snyder and get on with it.”

“I……..” Luke bit his lip.

“You……..” he waited for Luke patiently to finish his sentence.

“I want to take Prewitt.”

“You…..want to take Prewitt,” he repeated.

“Yes,” Luke said hesitantly. “I know it sounds crazy, but Reid, we haven’t been able to find a place for him to go yet. And we both agreed that we didn’t want him to wind up in some group home. He needs someone to look after him until he finds a permanent home. It wouldn’t be forever and I know it’ll cut in on our personal time.”

“We won’t have any personal time. A baby is a full time commitment.”

“I know.”

“Not to mention, do you really think a hotel room is a good place for a baby?”

“It’s a suite,” Luke mumbled.

“Luke, it’s still a hotel.”

“You’re right.”

“And have you thought how much harder it’ll be to give him up once a home is found for him? It’s one thing to not be able to visit him every day in the hospital, but to have him live with you permanently and then have to say goodbye. It’s going to be that much harder when the time comes.”

“Okay,” Luke sighed in resignation. “You’re right. Just forget about it. It was dumb.”

Reid huffed and leaned his forehead against Luke’s. “Look at me.” He waited until Luke brought his eyes up and he took the liberty to kiss him softly on the lips. “He’s going to need things. Diapers, formula, a crib…..”

“Reid,” Luke whispered.

“There’s more room at my place. You practically live there anyway. You haven’t even spent the night at your hotel in months….”


“Like you said. This is just temporary. And I’m sure you’ll wind up buying him a crap load of toys and stuffed animals and other meaningless materialistic things that he doesn’t even need. It stays in his room. The last thing I need is to trip over Winnie the Pooh and break something.”

“Reid,” Luke wetly laughed.

“And I want sex. Lots and lots of sex. Every time he naps actually since we won’t have that time to ourselves that I mentioned earlier.”

“Reid!” Luke grabbed the sides of his face. “Shut up,” he whispered before he forced his mouth against the older man’s. “Thank you,” he repeated over and over again in between kisses.

“You’re welcome.” He ran his hands up and down Luke’s sides. “I swear Luke. Only you could get me to agree to this.”

“I’m just irresistible,” he teased.

“Yeah. Yeah, you are,” Reid replied kissing him again. “And to be honest, I was expecting this.”

“You were?” he questioned.

He tugged at Luke’s sleeve playfully. “You tend to wear your heart on it.”

Luke smiled softly. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Reid cleared his throat and pulled Luke towards the door. “Come on. Let’s get you inside. And while we’re walking you can tell me what’s going on between you and dear Matthew.”

“He’s a stubborn, pig headed man, that’s what’s going on between us.”

“So I take it this has something to do with a blonde haired, wide eyed, dopey grinning guy that says ‘Dude’ a lot?”

“Has anyone told you that you are a genius Dr. Oliver?”

“It’s a burden I must bear Mr. Snyder. It’s a burden I must bear.”  

fic: always attract

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