Always Attract (Chapter 92)

Aug 06, 2011 20:19

Reid flopped down on the bed, naked, sweaty and spent. Curling his body, he brushed his lips against Luke’s shoulder and sighed. “Thank you,” he said. “I needed that.”

Luke smiled shyly, but with a knowing glint in his eye. “You’re welcome.” He brushed Reid’s hair off his forehead. “You know though…you didn’t have to make up having a bad day just to get me into bed. I would’ve put out anyway.”

Reid laughed and flipped himself over to where he was straddling Luke. Holding the younger man’s arms pinned above his head, he shook his own in amusement. “I really was having a bad day. Why don’t you believe me?”

Luke attempted to shrug despite the hold Reid had over him. “I just know how much you constantly want a piece of this,” he replied in reference to himself. Reid on the other hand snorted.

“Full of yourself?”

“No. But you just were,” he added saucily.

Reid leaned down and groaned into Luke’s neck, pressing their already hardening cocks together. Before he knew what was happening, he found himself on his back with Luke on top of him grinning wickedly. “Nuh-uh. My turn.”


“Mmmm,” Luke groaned. “This is soooo good.”

“The key,” Reid swallowed, “is to layer the meat with the cheese and never mix your various condiments.”

Luke nodded his head in understanding as he slurped some dripping mayo from the larger than life sandwich he was attempting to eat. Sitting across from each other, naked as the day they were born, Reid nearly came just from watching Luke’s tongue dart out and lick the tasty white spread. It took everything in Luke’s power, not to smirk as he noticed Reid’s reaction to the movement. Secretly though, he was thrilled.

“So what’s the plan?” Luke asked.

“For today?”

He nodded. “I don’t know,” Reid said. “Sex.”

“But we just had sex!” Luke whined. “Several times. With only short naps in between. We spent the entire night doing that….and the morning.”

“You sound like that’s…..a bad thing,” he frowned.

“Of course it’s not. You know how much I love it when you fuck me. Or I fuck you. Or suck you or rim you.”

“Or me you.”

Luke winked. “I just want to spend some time with you…..outside of the condo.”

Reid reached across the table and grabbed Luke’s arm, gesturing for him to come over.

“I’m too heavy,” he said plopping down on Reid’s lap causing the latter to roll his eyes.

“You’re ridiculous. You’re perfect.”

“Sap,” Luke replied leaning his forehead against Reid’s. “But I’m still not going to fuck you again. Now let’s go get ready.”



“I don’t know Luke. Water, dripping down our naked bodies with hot, hot steam filling up our lungs as I f-….”

“Okay, okay Reid. You win. You can fuck me in the shower.”

“Well then. Hop, hop Mr. Snyder,” he said while slapping Luke’s bare ass, loving every step the man took as he watched him walk away.


“Oh! They’re so cute Reid!”

“What is that smell?” he said disgusted.

“Shush,” he scorned. “A-gootchie goo. You’re so cute. Yes you are,” he cooed.

“Jesus Christ Luke. They’re penguins. They can’t understand you.”

“Of course they can. Can’t you,” he said turning his attention back to the penguins. “Look at your little flappery wing things.” He clapped excitedly. “Oh Puffins! The Puffins Reid!”

“Yes, they’re…..something.”

“Can we go see the giraffes next?” he asked with wide eyes.

At that moment Reid wished he could’ve been more annoyed then he actually was, but there was something about Luke’s innocent demeanor and his excitement over being at the zoo. He really was child-like in some ways and he would do just about anything to keep that spark in Luke’s eye. “Yeah,” he smiled softly. Holding out his hand, he took Luke’s within his own. “Giraffes it is.”


Luke was happily drinking from his $7 lemonade souvenir cup while Reid practically inhaled his funnel cake when he got the call. His mind went fuzzy after the first 30 seconds and Reid had to take the phone from him for Luke looked as if he were ready to pass out. When Reid hung up, he turned Luke’s face towards him where tears had already begun to stream down.

“Prewitt,” Luke whispered.


Luke was pacing the hallway back and forth. Reid was sitting in one of the chairs off to the side watching him nervously, feeling his own stomach clench.

“I don’t understand,” he watched Luke say over and over again. “He was getting better. He….he……”

“Hey, hey, hey.” Reid stood up and wrapped his arms around Luke, trying to comfort him as he broke down. “He’ll be okay.”

“You don’t know that,” he said, voice wrecked.

“Sure I do. They were able to get him here in time. Miranda’s in surgery with him right now. Her ego is practically the size of mine and she can back up every inch too.” He tried to laugh at himself, wanting to ease the tension he knew was running through Luke at the moment, but somehow it just felt forced so instead he squeezed Luke harder.

“He’s not strong enough for surgery.”

“Really? I think he is. Look at how far he’s come already.”

“But it’s his heart Reid,” he cried. “His heart stopped. There’s something wrong with his heart. What if…..what if……I can’t lose him.”

“Luke,” he said soothingly. “Luke.”

“Please Reid. Please tell me he’ll make it.”

“He’ll make it.”

“Do you promise?”

“Luke…you know I can’t do that.”

“Reid I just care about him so much.”

He buried his nose in Luke’s neck, breathing in the scent that always seemed to calm him. “I never thought I’d say this, but me too.”

Luke exhaled shakily. “What’s taking so long?”

“Miranda’s doing her best. She’s extremely thorough. She knows who she has in there though. As soon as she can give us an update she will. Whatever happens though….we’ll get through it.”


Another hour later they were still in the same place. This time however, both were sitting in the waiting room, Luke resting his head against Reid’s shoulder, their two hands clasped together. Luke’s eyes were beginning to close shut when he heard a door open and saw Miranda walking towards them. He jumped up, pulling Reid with him, the latter looking at his friend trying to read the expression on her face. It was one he knew all too well. A look she always had when getting ready to deliver certain news to a family, or in this case them. His chest felt heavy and he squeezed Luke’s hand a little bit tighter.

“Miranda,” Luke whimpered. “Please.”


fic: always attract

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