Always Attract (Chapter 91)

Jul 21, 2011 15:03

***Previously on Always Attract: Luke's in St. Louis working on a project with a hospital. Meanwhile, across town Reid's busy with his own neurowing at another Pediatric hospital. The two, after reconnecting, are now officially together. Reid has friends, a little baby has stolen Luke's heart, and on Fourth of July, they reacquainted themselves with Reid and Luke Jr. If you know what I mean. ;) Now, on to the chapter!

Waking up wrapped up in each other was better than either one could imagine. They had been there before; in Chicago and one weekend in Oakdale, but neither times ever felt like this. For the first time, they weren’t pretending or keeping secrets. They were just them; Luke and Reid…together.

Since Fourth of July that was how they found most of their mornings; waking up with each other. Hand jobs and blow jobs were becoming a ritual every morning….afternoon….and night, along with hot, desperate and needy kisses. They still hadn’t gone beyond that though, however each felt as if they were getting close.

The Neurowing was keeping Reid incredibly busy at the moment seeing as it had an influx of out of town patients and he was often being called away in the middle of the night for some head trauma. Luke meanwhile, was busy outside the city at the hospital where his on-site family housing project was about to break ground in a week. Having worked diligently with the architect and C.O.O. of Ranken Jordan , they were finally able to agree on all of the plans and the project was finally about to come to life. Luke was thrilled.

On top of all of that, he was able to visit Prewitt everyday in between meetings. Sometimes he would come back at night or on the weekends with Reid, who pretended to be thoroughly annoyed, but Luke could tell he was actually quite fond of the little one. Maybe it was Reid missing Jacob….either way, he couldn’t help when his heart fluttered uncontrollably at the sight of the two of them together. Each day Prewitt seemed to grow stronger, even to the point of gaining more weight. Nothing though was more amazing to Luke then the day that Prewitt was first able to open his eyes. The lights were dimmed to the lowest setting, but sitting there in the rocking chair of the nursery holding him, Luke could see the baby’s eyelashes fluttering right before they opened. They were glassy with little pieces of crust in the corners. Luke used his fingers to gently wipe at his eyes. Prewitt’s gaze was hazy, never really latching on to anything until he found Luke’s big brown eyes staring at him. Luke shakily laughed as he felt his own eyes begin to water. The baby continued to gaze at him as if he wasn’t quite sure what to make of him or anything for that matter. Suddenly darkness had turned to light and everything was just so brand new. Luke stared down at him before pressing a kiss to his forehead. He cradled him a little closer and trailed his thumb down the baby’s soft cheek whispering to the little bundle in his arms. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”


Tonight was the night. They both knew it. Reid had picked Luke up at his hotel, going as far as to take the elevator up to his floor to pick him up at his door in an attempt to make it more ‘date like’ and personal. He was taking Luke out to dinner and then had plans to ravish him later for dessert. Luke, getting in the car (after Reid had opened his door for him) had the same plans as well. He was empty handed however. He had slept over at Reid’s quite a few times and gradually he started leaving clothes behind, unbeknownst to Reid. Luke though, wasn’t the only one with a secret.

One day Reid went searching for something and when he pulled out one of his drawers he realized that nothing inside it was his. It was all Luke’s; every single last item. Reid closed the drawer, then opened it again, unaware of what to make of the situation. Luke had a drawer. His own drawer, which meant he had his own space at Reid’s condo. In any  normal circumstance he was pretty sure he should’ve freaked out at that moment, but he didn’t. He simply shut the drawer and carried on his way, never mentioning it to Luke.


Dinner was great. Simple, but good. They went to the Old Spaghetti factory, where Reid ordered Spaghetti with meatballs and added Italian sausage. ‘The more meat the better,’ he said while winking at Luke. Luke for his part went with a plain fettuccini. They shared cheese garlic bread and Reid made swipes at Luke’s Spumoni after he finished his own. It all was perfect, yet casual, not to mention so sickeningly sweet it made Reid’s teeth ache, but he didn’t care. The constant shy smile on Luke’s face was enough for him to not only agree, but seemingly enjoy anything, just as long as Luke looked happy.

Dinner ended fairly quickly.  They went for a walk along the riverfront, stopping to kiss under the Arch. Before they knew it they were back at Reid’s; clothes being practically torn off and tongues fighting for dominance. It didn’t take much to find them both naked, hard, and wanting on Reid’s bed.



Luke continued to squirm as Reid’s tongue worked its way in and around Luke’s hole. It had been a long time…too long since he’d been so intimate with someone and with every lick and suck and bite coming from Reid as he feasted on his ass, his resolve continued to crumble. After all, it wasn’t just anyone, it was Reid.


He was resting on his forearms, ass raised in the air, moaning and groaning to the point of shaking. It was getting increasingly harder for him to hold himself up, but at the same time he knew if his lower half were to meet the mattress, the friction would cause him to cum immediately.

Before he could think about it too long though, he felt a cool breeze on his behind as Reid pulled back. He whined in frustration until he felt Reid’s thumb trace his spasming entrance. He quickly wiggled his butt in an attempt for some sort of penetration, but all it did was earn him a smack on the ass, something that would normally cause him to glare at Reid, but instead it just achingly made him harder.


Luke finally collapsed on the mattress below him while whimpering. He laid there boneless as Reid kissed his way up his spine before rolling him over. He licked Luke’s neck and sucked a bruise into his milky flesh.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

“No, I’ve only been a blubbering mess for the past half hour just because. Of course I’m sure you idiot.”

Reid grinned before capturing Luke’s lips with his own. He stretched his body across the length of Luke’s, hovering over his head. Keeping most his weight on his arms, he moved another inch forward, this time kissing Luke slowly and sweetly. He nuzzled Luke’s nose with his own and took a few deep breaths, stopping his ministrations.

“Hey, you alright?” Luke asked in a comforting tone.

“Yeah,” he shook his head.

“Reid,” Luke said worriedly, “you’re practically shaking. I thought I was the one who was scared and nervous before.”

“Guess I’m a little nervous too,” he admitted.

“Look at me.” Once Reid’s eyes met his, Luke continued. “I’m not going anywhere okay? It’s just you and me. As long as you want me, you got me. I swear. I don’t know what I could say to make you believe me, but….”

“I do believe you,” Reid said sincerely.


“Yeah. I’ve just……I’ve never…..”

“Never what?” Luke asked, heart racing.

Reid shook his head and buried it into the crook of Luke’s neck. “It’s always been you,” he whispered. “Always.”

Luke’s smiled as his heart filled up like a balloon and threatened to burst from the overwhelming feeling of happiness and love he was currently experiencing. He bit his lower lip and  tried to convey what he was feeling as he stared at Reid and said those words that both had been desperately wanting to hear again.

“Make love to me Reid.”

Reid’s face shone with that crooked smile Luke loved so much as he took both of Luke’s hands in his own and placed them above Luke’s head, grinding their erections together.

“As you wish.”

***Author's Note***

So a year ago today I uploaded the first chapter of AA, which is completely and totally crazy that it's already been a year. I didn't even know what fanfic was before last July, lol. I was actually hoping to be done with the fic by today, but the last month has been extremely busy for me, so my new target is by the end of August as long as real life cooperates. I know this chapter was pretty much crap, lol, but it had been a few weeks since I updated and I just wanted to get something out, so there it is. I just wanted to thank everyone who's still reading, especially those who have been here since Day 1. Like I mentioned though, we are coming to a close. I will give warning when there are say.....around 5 chapter left. Anywho, I'm going to see Harry Potter three times this weekend, lmao, but I'll try to get some writing done too since this is my weekend off. :D

fic: always attract

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