Intern (Chapter 49 of 49)

Feb 09, 2011 06:21

Title: Intern
Author: stl29tide 
Rating: PG-13
Fic Summary: Reid is a Surgical Intern who's been kicked out of his place at Mass General. He's been given a reprieve and winds up at Memorial to finish out the program. Meanwhile, Luke is 15 and in kidney failure. What happens when the two meet? What would've happened to Luke had Reid been there when he was going through his whole kidney ordeal and dealing with the pressures of coming out? How do they change/shape the other's life? Find out here! :)

Chapter Summary: Luke's Letter

*Special thanks to slayerkitty for taking the time to read through every chapter and listen to me as I ramble on about everything, lol.

*Author’s Note*

Oh gosh, here we go! Okay, so the first person I have to thank would be my lovely wife, slayerkitty . I told her this idea….god like what? Back in September??? And she didn’t seem to think it was stupid so I decided to go for it, lol. Thanks for all the encouragement when I needed it, especially at the beginning! The second person I have to thank is cas74  for all of your input and enthusiasm. Thanks for indulging me and my excitement and never telling me to shut up! Lol. And lastly I want to thank the rest of you! Those of you that followed me from ‘Always Attract’ and started reading this because you knew me from that and the people who read the preview of the fic when it first came out and decided to give it a go. And thank you to the people who came a little later but still decided to show up! To all of those who regularly commented on every chapter, and you know who you are, I really appreciate it. It’s nice to feel like I was doing something right! So without further ado, I present the last part of Intern, which is a letter from Luke to Reid! J

My Dearest Reid,

You’re probably rolling your eyes right now at such sentiment, but I don’t care. I know we had a clean break and the two of us went our separate ways; you beginning your career and becoming what I’m sure will be the greatest neurosurgeon the planet’s ever seen and me, attempting to live life…my life how I see fit (In a healthy way of course). I add that in because I want you to know that I’ve kept my promise, my original promise. It’s been six months since we last saw each other and in all that time, I haven’t drank…not even once. That’s because of you. Words cannot begin to describe the amount of gratitude I feel for you. How do you thank a person for saving you? Because that’s what you did Reid. You saved me. You looked out for me, protected me…you made me own up to my own actions and most importantly, you listened. Whenever I needed you, you were always there; so strong. I know you never really got to properly know my grandmother Lucinda, but you’re so much alike. Besides her, you’re the most amazing person I know. You’re confident and successful. You’re funny (although few would be aware)…you really should let more people see that side of you by the way….and you’re caring side as well. You put on this act, but I know you Reid Oliver. I know your soul and you know mine. I’m not sure when or how it happened, but I know for whatever reason, I was meant to find you at the time when I needed someone most. You’re also sexy as hell and if we ever do meet again, you better make good on your promise to ravish me. Trust me, you don’t want to be on Luciano’s bad side! See! My confidence is growing! Of course, you can’t see me blushing like a lunatic right now. Thank god this is a letter. I’m not sure if I would have been able to say that face to face.

I’m not sure if you’ll ever even read this letter. I tracked down your address using my Walsh connections. I figured it would be okay as long as I used my powers for good, instead of evil. I don’t really know what’s going on in your life right now, so I thought I’d tell you what’s going on in mine. My mom’s still pregnant, the baby’s due any day now. It’s a boy. She seems happy about that. Maybe in her mind, it’s another chance to get things right; to have a normal son. In case you wondering, she still hasn’t come around. She doesn’t look at me like she used to anymore though. Instead of looking at me like I’m confused and I don’t know what I want, she looks at me with…sadness? Remorse? I think she’s realized that I’m not changing, that I am who I say I am and now she’s just…trying to figure out what to do with that. I’m not mad at her anymore though and when she does finally get there, I’ll forgive her. She’s my mom…I love her…and I miss her. School’s going pretty great. Sophomore year really isn’t all that challenging; academic wise anyway. Basketball season on the other hand is rough. It just started this past month and there are a lot of good teams around. I’m not sure how far we’ll get, but I think we have a fairly good chance at getting to state. Everyone’s been great about the gay thing too. I don’t have anything to do with a certain group of people, like my former best friend, but besides him and his friends, everyone’s been surprisingly accepting. I’ve even made some new friends, both inside and out of school. Speaking of meeting new people though, I ran into someone (literally) and we began talking. We sort of struck up a friendship (he’s gay too) and in the process of getting to know each other, we discovered we had something in common, or should I say someone! You! My, my Dr. Oliver……needless to say I was a little shocked to find out of your little extracurricular activities, or activity, of when you first came into town. I should’ve known that it wouldn’t have been possible for someone like you to be celibate the entire time you were in town. It did make me wonder if there were others though, not that it would be any of my business. I know I probably sound like some jealous kid right now and if you want the truth…I am. I can’t stand the fact that others have had you in a way that I never have. I feel like you’re mine. And if you are reading this, you’re probably thinking about what the hell you got yourself into by agreeing to go to that one horse town to begin with, but despite everything…despite how badly I wish that I could have called you mine, for however long, I just want you to be happy. Are you happy Reid? I hope you are because I say this with all the sincerity I ever could. No one deserves happiness more than you and I hope you find that; in your career and in love. As for me, I’m going to attempt to do the same. I wanted you to know though, that a part of me will always belong to you. It’s a part that no one could ever reach and it’s yours and yours alone.

So thank you Dr. Oliver. Thank you for giving me my life back.

Thank you for reminding me that I had a life to live.


The End

(For Now)

fic: intern

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