Intern (Chapter 40 of 49)

Jan 25, 2011 05:19

Title: Intern
Author: stl29tide 
Rating: PG-13
Fic Summary: Reid is a Surgical Intern who's been kicked out of his place at Mass General. He's been given a reprieve and winds up at Memorial to finish out the program. Meanwhile, Luke is 15 and in kidney failure. What happens when the two meet? What would've happened to Luke had Reid been there when he was going through his whole kidney ordeal and dealing with the pressures of coming out? How do they change/shape the other's life? Find out here! :)

Chapter Summary: Luke's coming out week (Part 2)

*Special thanks to slayerkitty for taking the time to read through every chapter and listen to me as I ramble on about everything, lol.

“Please say something,” Luke said looking at his mom.

Lily shrugged. “I really have no idea what to say.”

“Lily,” Holden said, “I know that this is a lot to take in.”

“Did you know about this?” she quickly replied.

“Uhh…..I suspected, but I didn’t know for sure.”

Lily sighed. “Luke….you don’t have anything to base this on. You’ve never had a girlfriend. You’re young. You can’t know this for sure.”

“I am sure,” he said positively.

“What about that massive crush you had on Meredith last summer?”

Luke huffed. “Mom, we were just friends.”

“What about all the other girls,” she said raising her voice, “that come in and out of this house?”

“They’re friends,” Luke replied. “I never thought about them the way other guys did I guess. Look mom…..I can’t even remember not feeling gay.”

“Ugh…..this has been a very difficult year for everyone….especially you. You were sick, your grandmother’s been ill, your father and I got back together again…..this is normal to be confused.”

“I’m not confused,” he said shaking his head.

Holden turned to Lily. “I think we need to give Luke the benefit of the doubt here….”

“This is a decision that will affect the rest of his life!”

“This is not a decision,” Luke interrupted.

“This is something he’s been dealing with for a very long time,” Holden tried to rationalize with Lily.

“Well this is very new for me….excuse me.”

“Mom, please. Just don’t be angry.”

“I’m not angry. I’m so sad…..for you.”

Luke looked at her in confusion, trying to ignore the rising feeling of tears.

“I look at you and see my seven year old boy running around this house. You used to tell me everything; about what happened at school….about what happened with your friends. What happened?”

“Mom, don’t make this about you,” Luke said getting frustrated.

“This is not about…….well it is about me! And it’s about you…..and your sisters. And your father! It’s about us. It’s about our family!”

“No mom,” he yelled. “This is about me. This is about my life!”

“He’s right,” Holden said.

Lily laughed. “So you’re…you’re just willing to accept this?”

“He’s our son,” Holden said standing next to Luke. “This is who he is and….you need to respect that truth.”

Luke looked at his mom. Please understand.

Lily grabbed Holden and dragged him aside. “How can you be so calm about this? Don’t you have any feelings about it at all?”

“Of course I do.”

“But you’re standing there like the voice of reason and I’m falling apart.”


“Luke….I think your mom has a right to her feelings.”

“Don’t talk to me,” Lily said looking at Holden. “Please.”

“Lily….I think that Luke needs to know that we still love him and accept him.”

Lily looked over Holden’s shoulder to Luke. “Of course I love you.”

“But can you accept me?” he asked.

Before Lily could say anything, the doorbell rang. “I have to get that,” she whispered.

“Mom,” Luke pleaded.

“Lily, they’ll leave.”

“It might be an emergency.”

She walked to the door and opened it.

“Dr. Oliver?”

Luke’s head whipped around at the sound of Reid’s name.

“What are you doing here?” Lily asked.

“I came by to see Luke.”

“Luke’s busy right now and he’s grounded so he won’t be talking to anyone.”

“I thought he was ungrounded,” Reid said.

“How did you know that?” Lily wondered.

“I told him,” Luke said coming into the foyer from the living room. “I saw him while I was at the hospital today.”

Reid could instantly tell something was wrong with Luke. He wore a scared and hurt expression that he had already seen one too many times. It was a look he was becoming familiar with and it was also a look that he knew without a doubt, should never be on Luke Snyder’s face. He stepped forward slightly, unable to control his own body’s urge to go to Luke, but caught himself after the first step and moved back. Lily glanced back between Luke and Reid watching them as they stared at each other.

“You know,” she said looking towards Reid. “You know…..don’t you?”

“Lily,” Holden tried to interject.

“Oh my god,” she said looking towards Reid.

“Reid I think you should go,” Luke said.

“I want to stay,” he said shaking his head, “I want to help.”

“Reid,” Holden replied, “I really think you need to lea--”

“No,” Lily said getting louder. “I want him to stay. “How long has he known about all of this? I want to hear what he has to say.”

fic: intern

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