Title: bells Author: Mary (stillxmyxheart) Beta: Lindsay (rowofstars) Rating: PG-13 Genre: Angst Word Count: 1047 Characters: Dean, Tessa Disclaimer: Anything you recognize? Ain't mine. Summary: It's the end of the world. Again.
This is amazing. I don't really know what's going on but I really liked it. It's really melancholy and so effective. ♥ This line especially, I really love: Everything has gone to Hell - quite literally - over the past several months. If someone asked him what happened, he wouldn't be able to say with any certainty. It was just a gradual decline into chaos that he and Sam had been helpless to stop.
This is just so, so lovely and exactly the sort of fill I wanted to read. The image of Tessa and Dean standing together seems brilliantly fitting, and There's an edge of bitterness to his voice, and he finds he's almost envious of those who get to just pass on, just leave the fucking mortal coil once and for all without angels and devils clawing at the ground to bring them back, is Dean, all the way down to the core.
Oh, thank you! I'm so, so glad you liked it. Writing SPN fic makes me nervous, just because I don't do it very often and get a little wary about characterization sometimes, but your prompt just kept calling to me XD So I'm very pleased that it was what you wanted! ♥
Comments 4
Beautiful. Thank you so much. ♥
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