Title: Things You Only Wish You Knew About Ichihara Yuuko Author: doumeki Rating: PG Series: xxxHOLiC Pairings: Clow/Yuuko, Watanuki/Doumeki Word Count: 1,048 Author's Notes: Um. I have no excuse for this. XD
It's a gorgeous selection of moments, all of them, although I particularly like the ones concerning those she looks after, as well as the hypotheses on what happened in her past.
That was beautiful. I think my favorite was number twelve. It seems to fit in with the series so perfectly. I really love this.
Incidentally number eleven inspires me to write Watanuki giving her pecan pie one day.
Now I also want Clow/Yuuko fanfiction. I have always loved those two. Also Holic/CCS fanfiction, because the potential of those two series interacting interests me.
Comments 75
Rarely do we find Yuuko fic. This is too lovely for words! *mems*
Thanks for reading!
I'm glad you liked it. I have an entire theory on Yuuko's past, which is written and unfinished. Perhaps, one day, I'll finish it.
Thanks for reading!
One thing, though: in that one, it should be "his spazzing" and not "is."
♥♥♥ Your style is developing prettily!
Thank you, darling~
Thank you! I'm glad that you liked them!
Thanks for reading!
Incidentally number eleven inspires me to write Watanuki giving her pecan pie one day.
Now I also want Clow/Yuuko fanfiction. I have always loved those two. Also Holic/CCS fanfiction, because the potential of those two series interacting interests me.
You totally should! And then she will glare at the pie and give it to Mokona, while requesting he makes her something harder and out of season. XD
Clow/Yuuko is rare, but rarer still is HOLiC/CCS. T_T I've written HOLiC/CCS, as well as Clow/Yuuko, and it was all the same fic. ^^;;; XXXXDDDDDD
Thanks for reading!
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