titel: Foam on her skin
stille_momentefandom: Harry Potter
character: Hermione / Pansy
theme: bathroom
Word-count: 782
language: !E - N - G - L - I - S - H!
Ratings: light R?
warnings: femmeslash
beta: by WONDERFUL
original_lieDisclaimer: not mine. all JKR´s.no money. just for fun
A/N 1: for
original_lieA/N 1: I don't write much in english, so I'm sorry for the lack of
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Comments 10
i totally know how that feels, and you should write in english more often
THANK YOU, I would like to write more but always badly needing a good beta as a non native speaker you also need someone who is willing to correct all these tiny mistakes you make T_T
but thank you for encourage me!
I will LOVE YOU if you beta it, just go ahead and mess with it! my mail is rose-magnifique@gmx.de
Ah, that's just an example of the beauty of your work. Great stuff girl :D
Mag sein, daß Du Fehler machst beim englischen Schreiben, aber Du scheinst trotzdem genau ausdrücken zu können, was Du ausdrücken willst, und ich finde, das ist einer der schönsten Texte, die ich bisher von Dir gelesen habe. (Das will übrigens was heißen).
Kann ich ein bißchen was von Deinem Talent abbekommen? ;) (Und von Deinem Mut? Ich trau mich nie, englische Texte ins Netz zu stellen).
darf ich dich küssen? Bitte?
Danke Maus T_T wieso heul ich jetzt....
Ich war so unsicher, so furchtbar unsicher, und Mel meinte ich solls mal versuchen T_T
wie Talent? ICH? WO?
*etwss von ihrem verkümmerten Mut rüberschiebt*
I loved Pansy... beautiful. She's one of my favorite characters.
SEQUEL, please???
honestly? really? it is... not that bad?
I'm always so unsure about my english writings...
OMG A SEQUEL??? for Pansy?
You know you asked for the bloody part *hahahahahhahaa* *scares her fluffly girl*
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