I wrote Doctor Who fic

May 06, 2007 19:59

Look, it's a different fandom!! At last!!

Title: Unconventional
Author: rhin_ariel
Fandom: Doctor Who
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Martha/Ten
Summary: The Doctor has clearly forgotten to read part of the Time Lord code of conduct
Spoilers: The Lazarus Experiment
Notes: Set during the ep, Martha's thoughts during *that* bit. I blame the discussion on smith_n_jones from last night for most of it.

Martha had been in many strange situations in her time, but this was certainly one of the more bizarre. Both she and the Doctor tried to manoeuvre to get more space, but it wasn’t working very well. Somewhere deep in her brain she knows she should be worrying about the creature outside that wants nothing more than to kill them. However, her mind is more preoccupied with wonderings about what aftershave he’s wearing and how many more times he’s going to brush her chest before he finds what he seems to be looking for. Not that she minds that much; it just makes her glad she’s not claustrophobic. Growing up with a brother, sister and two warring parents had made Martha Jones appreciate any space she found.

When he does eventually pull out the sonic screwdriver, she finds herself hoping this means he actually has a plan. However interesting it is being trapped in a confined space with a handsome man, she would like to get out of the building alive.

Though suddenly ducking down right in front of her wasn’t quite what she had been expecting. This is the point in the movie when the disapproving parent walks in, and she can just imagine her mother opening the door and glaring at them. She suspects that if there was a code of conduct for a Time Lord when with a female companion, he’d skipped the section on how to behave appropriately in small capsules. Martha’s pretty glad he can’t read minds though, as the thoughts in her head right now are surprisingly un-PG. In fact, they probably don’t even manage a 15 rating. She knows she shouldn’t be thinking any of this, not when they’re trapped like this. In fact, she probably shouldn’t be thinking about him like that anyway.

Especially when he’s right there with her.

Between her legs.

Glancing up at the ceiling she wished he’d say something to diffuse the situation. She wished he’d day anything that wasn’t science related and had something to do with them, or at least the mess they’d gotten themselves into.

Commenting on her shoes is unexpected, but it helps a little. She’s too confused by the idea of him of all people talking about her shoes to remember what she’s thinking about. After all, she’d been expecting some cheeky double entendre if he had chosen to make a comment about her. When she glances down at him to ask him about the comment, it dawns on her all over again where he is. The thoughts are back faster, and even more graphic then before. All she can do is curse his nice hair, his cheeky grin and that tuxedo, while hoping something else will distract her.

Thankfully, that’s the exact moment when Lazarus starts up the device.

martha/ten fic, doctor who fic

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