Title: A Well Respected Man About Town
Author: Rebcake
Rating: PG
Word Count: 980
Prompt: Minor Characters of BtVS
Characters: Ethan Rayne, Anyanka, Halfrek, The Host
Summary: Ethan celebrates his latest success on the Hellmouth, after Band Candy and before The Wish.
Ethan eyed the two lovelies in the booth near the stage... )
Comments 29
And no, it's not just you: the detail of the expiring date is funny...even a touch elegant.
Characters: Ethan Rayne, Anyanka, Halfrek, The Host
I have to admit that it sheer curiousity with the combination; or possible combinations of these four characters that drew me in. There are hints of past m/m slash, but the presence of Ethan Rayne, and two popular vengeance demons should be enough hints as to where that clue might lead.
Just go read, and laugh at the wonderfulness that is the so very rich multi-versed backstory of the entire Whedonverse :-)
This is a marvellous addition to the Buffyverse fanon, and one of those ficlets that creates very-real; nigh-on tangible visuals in my mind.
Still under Willow & Tara's spell,
Thanks for saying all those nice things where I could see them, Ray! I'm very happy that you enjoyed the story so much. It was fun to let these guys be their naughty selves while we watch. Heh.
So I thought it should be seen there as soon as :-)
You can't rec, or talk about your own stuff there though *nods sternly* ;-}
Still under Willow & Tara's spell,
I posted off the fic to a friend, who's not on livejournal, and this is what he posted back to me this morning.
Excellent! And I love the idea that they are “therapists” ….
Dana J. Lawrence, D.C., M.Med.Ed., M.A.
Still under Willow & Tara's spell,
And anything that gets Ethan, Anya, Hallie, and Lorne together can't help but be good...
Do you mind if I read it on my fanfic podcast, Strangely Literal?
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