Prompt 170: Fic

May 17, 2010 22:11

Title: A Promise
Author: silver_galaxy 
Rating: G
Characters: Buffy & Dawn
Prompt: blue-love
Word Count: 424
Disclaimer: not mine


Buffy set down the toy teapot she had been using to serve the various soft toys and dolls sitting around the small table and walked over to where Dawn was rocking gently in the bouncer Joyce had set her in.

“I wish you were older. Then you could play tea party with me and Caroline and Mr Gordo. Mommy says that when babies are really little they can’t sit up. I don’t think that’s fair because you need to be able to sit up to play with all the really fun toys. But maybe we can play with some of your toys.”

She sat down on the floor and looked at the toys surrounding the bouncer. “Maybe this one?” she said picking up a soft doll. “The skirt makes a funny noise when you touch it. Here, do you want to try?”

Dawn studied the doll for a moment before turning her attention to the string of balls running from one side of her bouncer to the other.

“Okay. We can play with something else.” Buffy crawled to the other side of the bouncer to retrieve a blue and white nautical themed mobile. “I can hold this and we can both play with it.”

They had been playing with the mobile for a few minutes when Buffy complained “My arm’s getting tired, I don’t want to play this game anymore.”

Dawn, upset at the loss of her game, started to fuss. “Please don’t cry Dawn, we can play it some more later.” At the sound of her sister’s voice Dawn started to calm down.

“You’re my sister and I don’t want you to be sad. Mommy and Daddy don’t like it when you’re sad. Mommy said that she feels bad when you cry. I don’t want Mommy to feel bad so I don’t think you should cry.”

Picking up the mobile for Dawn to play with again, Buffy continued, “I like helping Mommy and Daddy look after you. Maybe when I’m older I’ll be able to look after you all by myself. I’ll be able to feed you and play with you. And when we play with the other kids I’ll be able to stop the bad kids from being mean to you and I’ll tell you who the nice kids are and we can play with them.”

Buffy put the mobile down again and sat down next to the bouncer. Leaning over to kiss Dawn on the forehead she said, “I love you Dawnie, and I’ll never let anything bad happen to you.” 

dawn, g, buffy, btvs, 170, silver_galaxy, fic

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