160 Ficlet - 'After'

Mar 09, 2010 16:46

Title: After
Author: Laucus
Rating: G
Word Count: 217
Prompt: 160 (Gone with the Wind)
Characters/Pairing (if any): Willow, Giles.
A/N: I know next to nothing of 'Gone with the Wind', so I simply took the title for inspiration. Also, I suck at titles x3

After she nearly destroys the world, Willow spends a lot of time apologizing.

Sorry I almost killed you and your watcher and your sister, Buffy.

Sorry I attacked your girlfriend, Xander.

Sorry I skinned your little gang leader alive, guys.

Sorry I wasn't strong enough.

('I' statements, because the blame, the guilt-it's all hers.)

Sorry I couldn't save you, Tara.

That's the only one Willow says out loud, over and over when she can't sleep the following night, or the night after that. Then Giles says they have to go to England.

“But I haven't said s - goodbye to her.”

He understands, maybe better than he wants to, and calls the hospital.

“She was released to the custody of her family? Did they leave any - any information?”

Willow's eavesdropping, and she thinks, I should apologize to her family.

“I see. Thank you.” He returns the phone to its base, and leans against the wall. Then he winces, because he's still bruised up, and moves to stand in the doorway. Willow looks up from her seat on the stairs.

He explains, and she tries to listen. But once he says 'cremated', says 'scattered', she can't really hear anything but her voice in her head. So, so, sorry I couldn't save you.

And now you're free, gone with the wind, and I'm so selfish because I want you here with me.

giles, ficlet, willow, laucus, g, btvs, 160

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