151 Drabble: When Do We Want It?

Jan 07, 2010 15:00

Title: When Do We Want It?
Author: Rebcake
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Prompt: 110 - Modly March Favorite Baddies (The Trio)
Characters: Andrew, Jonathan, Warren
Summary: The Evil Trio work on their mission statement.

Warren stood before the Big Board... )

rebcake, jonathan, holiday havoc, btvs, 151, andrew, warren, pg, drabble

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Comments 15

gigi_tastic January 7 2010, 23:12:25 UTC
oh the evilnes that is the Trio... so very very epic. OMG! this is why Andrew has a big borad in s7! you'd think they might want to controle the cast of star treck as well. force the orgianla memebers to act out scenes whenever they demand it. oh by the by my friend dontgetanyolder and I are clebrateing GILES DAY jan 8th feel free to share icons storys whatecer you want about our fave watcher. you can just say i heart giles and that would count. please join us! ps love your work. you do great stuff


rebcake January 7 2010, 23:32:36 UTC
Heh. Yes, epic is certainly...a word. That they would like you to use.

Thanks for the heads up on the Giles Week. I'll see what I can manage. You flatterer, you.


slaymesoftly January 8 2010, 00:13:33 UTC


rebcake January 8 2010, 02:03:53 UTC
But...don't you feel the horror? Hee. Nevermind.


libco January 8 2010, 02:50:14 UTC
Eyes narrowed, Andrew nodded.


ha hahahahahah111!!!


rebcake January 8 2010, 03:59:08 UTC
Tee! Thanks for weighing in.


buffyangellvr23 January 8 2010, 04:00:17 UTC
nice...very them.


rebcake January 8 2010, 05:10:39 UTC
I'm glad you think I capture the rotten little geeks. Thanks for commenting!


gigi_tastic January 8 2010, 06:34:55 UTC
Andrew is not a rotten geek. is is my geeky dream boat. who is very easy to mold to my will. *g* thanks for saying you'll celbrate giles day. twill be epic for sure now.


angelus2hot January 8 2010, 15:02:46 UTC
Hee! Very them!


rebcake January 8 2010, 17:01:25 UTC


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