151 Fic: Let the Good Times Roll

Jan 07, 2010 14:28

Title Let The Good Times Roll
Author rebcake
Rating R
Prompt 148: February (Mardi Gras)
Word Count 1670
Characters Spike/Dru
Summary Spike and Dru get into the spirit of Mardi Gras. It's not that hard.
Warnings Spike/OC, Dru/OC, implied slash, French, history (but not French history)
A/N: Based on a true event in 1958, down in New Orleans.

Laissez les bon temps rouler, eh pudding? )

r, rebcake, holiday havoc, spike/dru, btvs, 151, fic

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Comments 2

angelus2hot January 8 2010, 04:45:18 UTC

Perfect Spike/Dru voices!!!!

Not that anything could compare with his dark darling, but … well, variety and all that.
Vampire or no...he's still a male! LOL


rebcake January 8 2010, 05:19:23 UTC
Vampire or no...he's still a male!

Indisputably. But then, what's Dru's excuse? I sort of like to think of vampires as polymorphous perverse, but it's especially fun with these two!

I'm so glad you enjoyed it! This was one of the stories I was happiest with this year.


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