Free-for-all Fic: Unveiled

Jan 07, 2010 00:55

Title:  Unveiled
Author:  Angearia
Fandom:  Buffy the Vampire Slayer, S5 Halloween, set between No Place Like Home and Family, that Tuesday in 2001 was in fact October 31.
Rating:  PG-13
Warning:  Snark and flames and ghosts, oh my.
Word Count:  3,610 words
Prompt:  116 Armed and Dangerous Free-For-All (Within there be sarcasm, but mostly the almighty ( Read more... )

angearia, spike, holiday havoc, btvs, 151, fic, buffy, pg13

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Comments 12

petzipellepingo January 7 2010, 18:45:03 UTC
The History Channel has a special on the Bolshevik Revolution,” Anya reminded him. “I wanted to see if I was in any of the footage. I wore the cutest outfit to that massacre.”


“Oh yeah, what a hero,” Buffy snarked. “You get to save the world with your impression of a mime.”

"double snort"

Ah, you could cut the UST with a knife all through this, those two wacky kids.


angearia January 8 2010, 03:06:59 UTC
Hee! Yes, the banter is at maximum power here. :D

Thanks, Petzi.


louise39 January 7 2010, 23:17:57 UTC
All that antagonism and friction but when it comes down to the moment - Spike is ready to sacrifice himself.

“Spike?” Buffy said, her voice cracking. “Are you… are you okay?”

And Buffy...cares[?]


angearia January 8 2010, 03:08:36 UTC
And Buffy...cares[?]

It probably borders on OOC, but he just saved her life and looks shaken up. Plus, I tend to think Buffy's natural concern for others is to care for them once she sees them as a person. And, more or less, I think Spike is a person to her at this point even though she'll deny it for another two seasons.


buffyangellvr23 January 8 2010, 04:02:36 UTC
nice work :)


angearia January 8 2010, 04:04:10 UTC


deird1 January 8 2010, 06:24:05 UTC
Yay! How awesome.


angearia January 8 2010, 06:51:28 UTC


twilightschild9 January 8 2010, 18:03:02 UTC
All the character voices were very good, and it fit the season perfectly. I love the way you did Spike, snarky and demanding while also willing to give completely. He may have fooled around with Buffy, but he was also willing to give everything. It was very nice light reading. Thank you for writing.


angearia January 9 2010, 08:45:32 UTC
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.


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