Free-for-all ficlet: Acts Of Self-Conscious Behaviour ...

Jan 06, 2010 22:44

Title: Acts Of Self-Conscious Behaviour Contrary To The 'Not In Front Of The Children' Act
Author: Beer Good (beer_good_foamy)
Fandom: Buffy, between s5 and s6
Rating: PG13
Warning: Some blatant innuendo literalness
Characters/Pairing: Willow/Tara, Buffybot
Word count: ~560
Prompt: 116: Armed and dangerous free-for-all
Summary: The Buffybot finds one of Buffy's ( Read more... )

willow, tara, holiday havoc, btvs, buffybot, 151, beer_good_foamy, pg13, willow/tara

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Comments 8

wiredblowfish January 6 2010, 22:12:28 UTC
Fun! Love the Buffybot:)

Great to have a brief but sweet Willow and Tara domestic moment. I so very much miss them:(


beer_good_foamy January 6 2010, 23:26:19 UTC

I so very much miss them:(

You and me both.


angelus2hot January 6 2010, 22:50:36 UTC
Oh this was adorable!!

and "It just felt like I was, um, in a horror movie about an evil penis or something."
LOL!!!!! Hysterical!!


beer_good_foamy January 6 2010, 23:27:34 UTC

I wrote a (not very good) fic once where Willow and Tara watched American Pie, much to Willow's horror. After Amber Benson's role in One-Eyed Monster, I'm tempted to do a sequel...


brunettepet January 7 2010, 00:43:55 UTC
Yay for rocket launcher fic! Buffybot spinning about nearly hitting Willow several times and causing her and Tara to hit the deck was vivid and hilarious. I also enjoyed her It was bloody hilarious Spike shout out.

It's a great detail that Buffy has a cache of trophies stashed in the back of her closet.


beer_good_foamy January 7 2010, 10:23:25 UTC
Thanks a lot!

I also enjoyed her It was bloody hilarious Spike shout out.

I figured that would be one of those memories he'd want to implant in the Buffybot.

It's a great detail that Buffy has a cache of trophies stashed in the back of her closet.

Well, we can't have the rocket launcher getting lonely in there. Plus I had to put in something about Buffy keeping something of Faith's in her closet... ;-)


ladycallie January 7 2010, 05:02:19 UTC
The bit of turkey stuffing is hysterical. Great little moment for them all. Thanks!


beer_good_foamy January 7 2010, 10:31:39 UTC
Thank you! I'm a bit of a sucker for sweet (and possibly slightly dirty) Willow/Tara moments.


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