Jammin July Winners

Sep 09, 2009 20:14

Congrats to all our winners for Jammin' July! I know the voting couldn't have been easy for our members! If I made any mistakes, let me know ASAP.

Jammin July Winners )

angelus2hot, sevendeadlyfun, 127, buffy_the_vamp6, modpost, 125, beer_good_foamy, 128, alsunwunderland, winners, 126, deird1, brutti_ma_buoni, 129

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Comments 3

sentine September 10 2009, 12:34:38 UTC
Congratulations to all the winners :)


angelus2hot September 10 2009, 12:58:46 UTC
Lovely banners! Snagged mine, thank you!

Congrats to all the winners!


brutti_ma_buoni September 10 2009, 17:31:12 UTC
Georgeous pics! Thank you for mine.


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