Title Breath of Spring
Author Bruttimabuoni
Rating PG
Word Count 200
Prompt 126 Country (Jolene)
Characters/Pairing (if any) Drusilla/Spike
You’re a nasty messy girl, dripping with good intentions and spring sunshine. Horrid things we don’t like to touch. But Spike doesn’t care. He’s covered in you.
You’re oh so far away from us now. You scarcely noticed him when he was with you, except to hurt. You’d slay him if you knew his thoughts, because you’re a killer.
I could kill him for you. He’s gone from me now. He sleeps beside me but he isn’t really here.
But he’s so pretty. My sweet William. I don’t want him as ashes in my mouth, kissing while I kill him.
You did that, didn’t you? Kiss and kill? I felt it. Another dead man in your thrall.
I think you’re magic. In secret. Sorceress of slaying, cackling over your charms. Unnatural charms. So pretty and golden and sunny. Nothing like black mischief me. No competition.
He talks about you in his sleep. “Kill that Slayer...” he says. Not killing, not really. Not in his mind. He dreams of not-killing you. I know that. Not killing but...
He’s drowning in you. He doesn’t even know it.
He will.
He’ll drown for you, and know it, and smile.