126 drabble - Sticks and Stones

Jul 13, 2009 19:44

Title: Sticks and Stones
Author: deird1
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Prompt: 126 (Online, by Brad Paisley)
Character: Willow, slightly pre-series

Sticks and Stones

The thing is, Cordelia’s opinion doesn’t matter. Not really.

Cordelia might be queen of fashion and talking to boys, but Willow can hack into any website she wants.
Cordelia might have lots of cool friends, but Willow can program in C++.
Cordelia might be so much cooler than everyone ever, but Willow’s way more intelligent, and fun, and interesting, and… better.

(Willow’s way better at everything that matters.
The stuff Cordelia likes doesn’t really matter.
So Cordelia doesn’t really matter.
So what Cordelia thinks of Willow - that doesn’t matter either.)

Willow keeps typing, and tries to ignore what Cordelia’s saying.

willow, g, drabble, btvs, 126, deird1

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