122 drabble - Big Break

Jun 15, 2009 09:26

Title: Big Break
Author: deird1
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Prompt: 122 (Las Vegas)
Character: Lorne

[A/N - Originally posted at open_on_sunday]

Big Break

His letters back to LA said he was singing at The Palms, Las Vegas.
The truth? A nice Italian franchise, The Palm, had opened a restaurant in Nevada, and he was their new DJ.

(Hey - one letter’s difference isn’t that big a lie, right? And messy as his writing is, he can always say that they just read it wrong.)

The owner was nice enough, and he got free lasagne and salad every night. But this really wasn’t why he came to Vegas.

When the man from the Tropicana offered him a new job, he accepted without a second thought.

ats, g, lorne, drabble, deird1, 122

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