Modly March Winners

Jun 09, 2009 20:03

Sorry about the lateness but I really hope the awesome of the banners (to match the awesome of the entries!) makes up for it. I know with this many banners, I made mistakes so let me know and I will fix it ASAP.

Modly March Winners )

maharet83, devylish, sevendeadlyfun, damnskippytoo, modpost, beer_good_foamy, nikkiwawa79, deird1, 101-110, 111-120, cmk418, ubiquirk, sentine, lycomingst, winners, brutti_ma_buoni

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Comments 8

ubiquirk June 13 2009, 13:09:08 UTC
Thanks so much! That's wonderful!

Congratulations everyone!


beer_good_foamy June 14 2009, 19:43:40 UTC
Thank you so much - that's the perfect screencap for that fic - and congrats to everyone!


damnskippytoo June 23 2009, 17:49:59 UTC
Thanks for the Mod's Choice. That was sweet and generous of you. ::mwah::


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