115 Drabble: Early Lessons

Apr 25, 2009 18:58

Title Early Lessons
Author Rebcake
Rating PG
Word Count 100
Prompt 115: Firearms (it's a stretch!)
Characters Spike, Flaming Fist Warrior

He was in the zone: dancing, ducking, spinning, and (when he saw an opening) striking. All the while, the litany sing-songed through his head, keeping him focused and loose.

Spike be nimble

He darted around a column, delivered a barefooted roundhouse kick, and rolled to evade another punishing blow to the ribs.

Spike be quick

He was driven to one knee, but surged up, and stopped the blazing fist mid-swing with his open palm.

Spike jump over the candlestick

He spun the hulk around and grasped its head for the killing twist. Snap.

Mother Goose to the rescue, like always.

rebcake, minor btvs char, spike, 111-120, pg, drabble, btvs

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