February Theme

Feb 04, 2009 19:47


This time of year can really suck if you're without someone special. It gets to be too much, what with the Hallmark cards, the chocolates, the flowers. In the immortal words of J. Geils Band "Love Stinks".

And that is what this prompt is all about. This month, prompts will be three great anti-love songs. All about heartbreak, cheating, and that so not happy ending. You can use the title, the lyrics, or just however the song makes you feel. Go for the gut cause the heart ain't in it this month!

Of course, since it is up to your imagination of how you interpret the prompt, we won't be providing screencaps. So sorry iconmakers and fanartists, it will be up to you to find your own caps for this month. Chosen Two is great for promo pics. Screencap Paradise is fantastic for Buffy and Angel caps. Can't Take The Sky is FANTASTIC for Firefly caps. And Leave Me The White is THE place for Serenity caps. Also, fanlistings for episodes are GREAT places for screencaps. If you are having trouble, please feel free to contact one of us modly ladies and we can try to find more links.

Now, like always, what anti-love songs do you want to see featured this month? What songs make you want to say "Pfft, love, who needs it!"?

There is just a little over 24 hours to ENTER our Free For All for Jumbled January. We could use some more icons and fanarts (they don't have to be new)! And don't forget to VOTE! for Prompt 102.

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