Title Multifaceted
Author Bruttimabuoni
Rating PG
Word Count 100
Prompt 101 Alias
Characters/Pairing (if any) Angel
Liam, unlovable and wild, a disappointment to your father. Lay-about and scoundrel who’ll never amount to anything more than that.
Darling boy for Darla.
Angelus the heart of evil. The vilest of all. The scourge of Europe.
Drusilla calls him Daddy. Connor never did.
Angel, the redeemer and seeker after redemption.
Crumb cake…less said about that, the better.
Handsome man. Saved Fred from the monsters.
Dark soul #324. Could do worse?
The Boss of …not Wesley, in the end. Definitely not Cordy either. Obviously not of Gunn… Maybe the boss of Harmony?
My love. Many say it. None stays long.