Since the more "open" prompts seem to get the creative juices going,
lauratd and I decided to make October another one of those months! So welcome to HALLOWEEN WORD ASSOCIATION!
This month, the prompts will be three words that have something to do with one of our favorite holidays, Halloween. And while the three words have to do with Halloween, you won't be limited by having to do something Halloween themed (though you get extra points from the mods if you do!) You can use one word, two words, all three words. You can work them and interpret them however you like. Whatever sparks that creative flame, fan it!
Of course, since it is up to your imagination of how you interpret the prompt, we won't be providing screencaps. So sorry iconmakers and fanartists, it will be up to you to find your own caps for this month.
Chosen Two is great for promo pics.
Screencap Paradise is fantastic for Buffy and Angel caps.
Can't Take The Sky is FANTASTIC for Firefly caps. And
Leave Me The White is THE place for Serenity caps. Also, fanlistings for episodes are GREAT places for screencaps. If you are having trouble, please feel free to contact one of us modly ladies.
Like always, we always love the help with the prompts. So here is where the fun starts! Comment with any words that you associate or that remind you of Halloween. For instance: costumes. Or ghosts. Or trick or treat. There are just three to get you started!
And since the prompt was posted late last week, I am going to keep it open until tomorrow night. I will post voting and the new prompt at 7pm PST Friday. So you've got over 24 hours to get those last minute entries in for the
SEVEN DEADLY SEPTEMBER FREE FOR ALL. I know I am very very behind on banners too and I am working really hard to catch up. Please just be patient. :)
As always, questions, comments, concerns, etc, just comment.