Ficlet: You Can't Fight It

Apr 16, 2007 17:50

Title You Can't Fight It
Author Sarah
Rating PG-13
Word Count 1000
Prompt 009 Caritas
Characters/Pairing (if any) Cordy/Angel, Gunn, Wesley, Lorne
A/N As usual, not up for voting.

“Well, well, well, that’s *very* interesting.” Lorne smiled as Angel stopped singing, exited the stage, and sat down at the table Lorne was currently occupying.

“So?” Angel demanded expectantly. “What’s going on with this demon we’re trying to find?”

“Oh that, we’ll get to that in a moment. For now, let’s talk about something far more interesting - you and Cordelia. You know, I’m surprised it took you this long to start developing feelings for her. I thought it would have been much sooner.”

“I don’t have feel-”

“Of course, denial.” Lorne interrupted. “The big manly hero can’t talk about his feelings. But they’re there alright. You can’t fight it, sugarpuff. It’s Kye-rumption.”

“Don’t use that word.” Angel growled.

“Calm down tiger, we’ve got a lot of business to take care of.” Lorne smiled, knowing it was going to be a long night.


“So how about that one? He’s kinda cute.” Cordy said to Wesley as she pointed to a tall muscular blond sitting at a nearby table.

“Honestly, Cordelia,” Wesley started in an exasperated voice. “You can’t pick up men at a demon bar.”

“True dat.” Gunn chimed in, “He’s probably some nasty demon in disguise or an evil lawyer. Normal people don’t come here.”

“Well *I’m* here.” Cordy huffed.

“And aren’t you the very definition of normal as you sit here waiting for your vampire boss to be read by a demon in order to shed some light on the vision *you* just had.” Gunn retorted as a maggoty looking six-foot tall creature took the stage and started singing “I Got You Babe.”

“Yes, look around you, Cordelia,” Wesley added as his face grimaced in reaction to the maggot creature spewing out phlegm as he hit the high notes. “None of us lead normal lives, and we likely never will.”

“Thanks guys. The ‘my life sucks and always will’ pep talk was just what I was looking for.” Cordy complained as Angel joined them. “I am never going to have another boyfriend. I used to be Queen of Sunnydale High, ruling over all that was fashionable and followed by droves of cute boys. Now I’m Queen of debilitating headaches, demon goo, and maggot people,” Cordy said, gesturing to the creature on the stage, who by now had managed to hit quite a few patrons with the goo he was spewing during his performance.

“What’s going on?” Angel asked, curious to hear what had set Cordy off.

“Nothing. Cordy’s just checking out the scenery.” Gunn nodded his head in the direction of the blond at whom Cordy had just been staring.

Angel felt a pang of jealousy. “Him, he’s part demon, nasty kind too. Eats babies,” Angel said, knowing full well that the blond was one hundred percent human. What was he doing, he asked himself. Maybe Lorne was right.

Cordy glared at all three of them. “Well, I’m going home for the night.” She stood up, grabbed her purse, and headed for the door.

“Maybe someone should go talk to her. She seems rather annoyed.” Wesley ventured as Angel started after Cordelia.

“I’ll take care of it and make sure she gets home okay.” Angel called over his shoulder.


“Stupid men,” Cordy grumbled under her breath as she took long, fast strides through the dark night. She didn’t know what annoyed her more, what Wesley and Gunn had just said to her or the fact that she knew they were right. She was so caught up in her thoughts that she hardly noticed the footsteps that were coming up quickly behind her. As they neared, though, she felt her spine begin to tingle, and she spun around quickly, clearly on edge.

“Angel, geez, do you have to sneak up on people like that?” Cordy exclaimed as her pounding heart began to slow down at the sight of her friend.

“Sorry, I just wanted to make sure you got home okay,” he replied.

“I can take care of myself,” Cordy huffed again, still annoyed from the evening’s events. She turned and began walking in the direction of her apartment.

Angel just smiled at Cordy as he fell into step next to her. Cordy glanced sideways at him as he did, secretly glad for the company. The streets in L.A. were lonely at night, and even with a weapon in her bag, she still didn’t like walking them alone. After a few minutes, she let out an involuntary sigh.

Angel, quickly discerning what was still troubling her mind, said, “There’s someone out there for everyone, Cordelia.” He felt a sudden impulse to take her hand and kiss her, as Cordelia turned to face him but didn’t say anything and continued walking. He was starting to think that maybe there was something to this Kye-rumption thing that Lorne and Fred kept going on about.

Cordelia couldn’t help but smile to herself. Angel was sweet. And sexy. And it was too bad he had to have that stupid curse. The thought of wasted salty goodness like that was almost as sad as the fact that, well, she was wasted salty goodness herself.

They arrived at Cordelia’s building in no time, and Angel walked her to her door. As Cordy pulled her keys out of her purse and began to unlock the door, Angel stopped her, placing a hand on her wrist.

“Just remember what I told you,” he intoned quietly as he leaned toward her, giving in to the impulse that he had been fighting. Angel’s fingers brushed lightly against her cheek, and he bent down, gently kissing her. Cordy felt her cheeks flush, and she eagerly responded to his touch.

“Good night, Cordy,” he whispered in her ear as he broke the embrace and started off down the hall, leaving her staring at his retreating back. Cordy stood there for a moment, then smiled. Wes and Gunn were definitely wrong, she thought. Demon bars were great places to pick up men. She had just been looking at the wrong one.

001-010, gunn, ats, wesley, lorne, boy_named_susie, cordelia, ficlet, cordy/angel, pg13, angel

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