Prompt 69 Fic: Mr. Shiny Candles Takes On Captain Tight Pants

Jun 12, 2008 18:37

Title: Mr. Shiny Candles Takes On Captain Tight Pants
Author: ubiquirk
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 620
Prompt: 69 - Shindig
Characters: Firefly Ensemble
AN: The gang gangs up on Mal about having a shindig.  Set between Firefly and the BDM.

“Ooo, can we get a cake this time? A real one? I mean, after all, the last one we had ended up a fiery blob of chocolate ( Read more... )

wash, mal, jayne, simon, ubiquirk, zoe, river, fic, kaylee, 061-070, firefly, pg13

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Comments 25

deird1 June 12 2008, 22:52:16 UTC
Nicely done!


ubiquirk June 13 2008, 02:10:40 UTC


angelus2hot June 13 2008, 00:29:12 UTC
Excellent firefly voice!!

I loved it!


ubiquirk June 13 2008, 02:11:14 UTC
Thanks! I'm so glad you enjoyed it and the voice!


Shiny! alsunwunderland June 13 2008, 00:44:10 UTC
I love this little slice of life scene.


Re: Shiny! ubiquirk June 13 2008, 02:12:19 UTC
Thanks! It's great to hear you liked it! I like to imagine they did have some good times with the Haven crowd before the BDM.


dacian_goddess June 13 2008, 00:57:42 UTC
I've only seen about ten minutes of the Firefly pilot (so far), and even with such an inadequacy under my belt this still delights me. *g* Lovely ensemble interaction!


ubiquirk June 13 2008, 02:13:15 UTC
Thanks! I'm very happy you enjoyed it! They're a fun bunch with wonderfully distinctive voices to write. Enjoy watching Firefly!


redrikki June 13 2008, 01:40:31 UTC
Very cute little piece with great character interactions between Mal, Zoe and Wash. You really have the Firefly-speak down for the most part although your Simon seemed a little, I don't know, stilted maybe. This line in particular: Our rather precipitous leave from Santo has once again left us sadly depleted.
Sorry to nit-pick. The rest of it was so spot-on that just stood out to me.


ubiquirk June 13 2008, 02:18:54 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you think it works (for the most part)! Dialogue is definitely one of the most important facets of fiction, so I like discussing it.

I find Simon stilted and slightly pretentious whenever he's uncomfortable - it happens throughout the TV series. [He may have spoken more easily for the movie, but this is set before that.] Kaylee asking him to act as the arbiter of propriety has made him uncomfortable here (which I hope shows).


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