Title: Gunn (with two n's) Author: selene2 Rating: g Prompt: 056: Manly March { Xander, Gunn, Mal } Characters/Pairing: Gunn A/N: I have major love for this character. *sigh* ( Gunn (with two n's) )
Thanks so much! I am in the Gunn (with two n's) fan club... member 1. :D
I have THE hardest time finding anything done with him in it (fic wise). And if you are following the Angel comics he is even more interesting now. *grins* I couldn't resist playing with him.
:D I am hoping to see some Gunn ficage written for this prompt. I have a hard time finding him in the fandom. *is sad* It could be that I am looking in the wrong places though. lol
Comments 17
I have THE hardest time finding anything done with him in it (fic wise). And if you are following the Angel comics he is even more interesting now. *grins* I couldn't resist playing with him.
Thanks again!
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Thanks so much for the lovely compliment!
:D I am hoping to see some Gunn ficage written for this prompt. I have a hard time finding him in the fandom. *is sad* It could be that I am looking in the wrong places though. lol
Thank you for your kind words.
Sorry for the multiple stalkery replies.
*hugs tight*
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