Well, we've been talking about it for the past month and now, it is finally here. Feb is going to be all about romance. But since this is a challenge community, you didn't think we were going to make it easy, did you? LOL
But don't worry, those of you who aren't as much into the romance will still (hopefully) be able to come up with something for the prompts, by taking a more comedic route. These don't have to be serious romantic pieces but I think once the first prompt comes up tomorrow, it will be more clear.
Because of the way we have structured the prompts this month, we won't be doing screencaps for them. (That should give you some hints there). So sorry iconmakers and fanartists, it will be up to you to find your own caps for this month.
Chosen Two is great for promo pics.
Screencap Paradise is fantastic for Buffy and Angel caps.
Can't Take The Sky is FANTASTIC for Firefly caps. And
Leave Me The White is THE place for Serenity caps. Also, fanlistings for episodes are GREAT places for screencaps. If you are having trouble, please feel free to contact one of us modly ladies.
Just keep in mind that while this month is about romance, the rules are in full force. No NC-17. No incest pairings. No implying of underage sexxings (So Dawn/X before she is 18 is okay as long as it doesn't progress into dangerous iffy territory).
And yes, The Hoff is the spokesperson for this month so watch out cause he will be introing the prompts. Chuck Norris had his turn, but this month is all about The Hoff!
If there are any questions, comments, concerns, or you just want to ask us to be your Valentine, just leave a comment here. :)