049 - Fan Art, Fine Art Manips & Banner (After Millais & Degas)

Jan 22, 2008 17:22

Title: 'Tara as Ophelia'
Author thedothatgirl
Rating G
Prompt 049, Fine Art , BtVS
Character: Manip - Tara as Ophelia (John Everett Millais)

Title : Wesley Wyndham Price as the Black Brunswicker'
Author thedothatgirl
Rating G
Prompt 049 Fine Art, AtS
Characters - Wesley and Fred


Title Echo (After Degas )
Author thedothatgirl
Rating G
Prompt 049 Fine Art (Degas), Waiting in the Wings.
Character: Ballerina


A little self indulgent artwork on a couple of my favourite paintings. 

tara, ats, g, wesley, btvs, fanart, thedothatgirl, 041-050, fred

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